Blood Crown - 41

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Liana's POV

Today was the day, I woke up bubbling with anticipation and anxiousness at the prospect of terminating my father, the devil. I had Lucifer with me and my mother El was supposed to arrive soon according to Cleo. My body buzzed with a foreign, yet familiar surge of power, I felt like I could burst from the build up of it.

I dragged myself off of the bed and turned to see Lucifer sound asleep behind me, I decided to leave him for some extra rest since I knew his body went through hell and back from helping me with my pain. I appreciated him and was unbelievably grateful to him for all that he has done for me, if it wasn't for him I was sure to be dead with that amount of pain. I wished that I could make him happy, give him joy, but I couldn't.

I made my way to the bathroom and grabbed a towel before stripping and stepping under the warm spray of the shower. The warmth trickled down my body relaxing me and I sighed in content, the skin of the tattooed 'L' stung slightly as the water touched it, I trailed a finger lightly over the tattoo and shook my head, Kaden was sure to throw a fit when he saw that but at least now I wouldn't give in to the dark side, Lucifer can help balance my powers.

I finally finished and brushed my teeth quickly before looking for some clothes to wear.


I needed to ask Kristiana or something for clothes, I dried off my skin and wrapped a towel around my wet hair before peeping my head out the bathroom door. Cleo looked up from her book to me from her seat on the couch and smiled, I returned her smile before stepping out of the bathroom.

"Do you have any clothes I can borrow?" I asked, Cleo nodded and gestured to her bag on the ground, I thanked her and walked to the bag while rummaging through its contents.

She only had dresses? How was I meant to fight in a dress!?

I sighed mentally and grabbed the first decent looking one I saw before borrowing a fresh set of underwear and a bra and making my way back to the bathroom to change, the bra was a little too small but I made it work. The dress was decent enough, it was a red, loose fitting, slightly revealing, knee length dress, I looked at my reflection and shrugged before wrapping my hair up in a bun and exiting the bathroom.

"Lucifer" I said as I walked towards the bed trying to wake him up, Cleo was already in the shower and I groaned when he was unresponsive.

"Lucifer" I repeated louder and shook him, he moaned softly and stirred before eventually opening his eyes and peering up at me.

"Come on, you need to get ready, my mother should be here soon" I said before looking at him with an arm propped on my hip.

"Oh come on" he groaned before clutching a pillow and hugging it.

Oh, so he was gonna be stubborn?

I squinted my eyes at him and raised my arm before swinging it, his body flew from the bed and crashed on the wall leaving a very large crack in its wake. Lucifer growled lowly and groaned before rolling into his stomach and pushing himself up with his arms.

"I swear, if I didn't fucking love you or was bound to you, I would fucking kill you" Lucifer all but growled before stalking over to me, I smirked smugly and clicked my tongue.

"Well that's a shame, now go shower and get ready" I replied boredly while Cleo emerged from the shower dressed in a white, floral dress. Her brows shot up as he saw the crack in the wall and I'm sure felt the anger and frustration radiating off of Lucifer.

"You are so fucking infuriating Liana!" Lucifer growled before marching to the bathroom, I rolled my eyes and slumped on the bed.

"You should try being nice, he is gonna be in your life forever" Cleo said cryptically as she sat on the couch and combed through her hair, I looked up at her and frowned.

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