Blood Crown - 20

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Evangelina POV

The next morning I woke up feeling incredibly sore, my body felt like it wasn't functioning at all. I sighed as I peeked my eyes open, I was facing the window with my back to Kade and smiled remembering the events of last night, how he held me, how he made love to me roughly and how perfect my husband truly was.

With a grin on my face I turned in the bed to greet him but was met with an empty place where he usually slept, I placed my hand on the bed where my husband laid and felt the bed cold which only confirmed that he had been gone a while, I frowned and looked to the bathroom seeing he wasn't there.

"Kade" I called out before I got up, I paused when I saw a tray filled with food on the dresser and grinned, of course he just went to make me food but where was he?

I walked to the tray and lifted it to bring it back to bed with me when I saw a piece of paper folded beneath it. I frowned when I saw my name on it in Kade's handwriting, my heart beat immediately sped up.

He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye would he?

I took a deep breath and placed the tray back down before taking the note and opening it.

To my dearest Evangelina,
                                         First, let me just say I know I'm a coward for doing this, I'm sorry, I couldn't bear the thought of saying goodbye to you. I wish I didn't have to go, I love you my darling with all my heart. I want you to know that no matter what, I will be with you, I will return to you, I promise. I will message you on your phone when I'm able to baby, you are my life, my soul, my heart and my existence. I swear to you I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you. Last night was one of the greatest nights of my life, I was finally able to make the woman of my dreams my wife.

I love you Lina.

P.S I left some of my blood on my dresser in case you need it for the soreness ;)

From, your husband, forever and always,

By the end of the letter I was sat frozen, I was in shock, 
This had to be a joke.
He wouldn't just leave!
I frantically read the letter again, over and over until I felt as though the words were engraved in my head.

With shaking fingers I placed the letter down on the bed and held my face in my hands, I allowed the tears to fall. I allowed myself to feel as if I was dying, I knew I could pull through and be fine, but right now I felt like the walls were closing in on me, I felt as though the ground was shaking and my body was going to explode with grief.

I screamed as sobs wrecked my body, I felt the distance between Kade and I through the bond, I felt him so far away from me it hurt. I needed him! 

"Evangelina!" I heard someone screaming my name repeatedly but I was too wrapped up in the feeling of loss that I didn't acknowledge the pounding on the door. I slid off the edge of the bed and buried my head in my knees while rocking back and forth willing the pain to go away, I cried so hard I felt my head imploading with pain, the turmoil was excruciating and it was too much to bear right now. It felt like my skin was tearing itself away from my body, like my hair was being ripped from my scalp, like my fucking finger nails were being ripped out one by one agonizingly slowly. 

"Evangelina!" I heard the voice clearer now and realised that whoever it was they were right above me, I couldn't recognise the voice through the pounding in my ears. My whole world was shaking and I felt like I was falling through a bottomless black abyss of grief.

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