Blood Crown -13

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Evangelina POV

Without giving me a chance to back away, Kade nodded to the two guards at the massive double door entrance to open. The doors echoed as they opened and I winced knowing that now everyone's attention would be on us. At first I gasped, marveling at the beauty of the room, it looked like something straight out of 'Beauty and the beast' from the ball scene.

I felt Kade's hand grip mine tighter when I realised that there were hundreds of vampires that all stopped what they were doing and turned to face us. I hated all this attention but tried to hold it together, I mean I was supposed to be their future queen, the least I could do was keep my shit in order and not fuck this up too much.

My heart hammered in my chest especially when my gaze drifted to the long, broad staircase that we had to walk down to get to the party. I was pretty confident in heels, having worn them everyday for work but in this moment, I questioned everything.

Imagine the headlines 'future queen falls and breaks neck during ball' ...
Yeah, that didn't sound right at all.

With a sharp intake of air I realized Kade had already taken lead and we were making our way to the stairs, I latched onto his hand a little tighter as we both descended to the party. When we finally made it to the bottom I mentally cheered myself for not dying. Score!

"Now presenting the future king and queen, Prince Kaden Christabello and Princess Evangelina Roselina!" I heard someone say announcing our presence, I forced myself not to roll my eyes, a little late don't you think?

Almost everyone's attention was on us...

I was a little taken aback though with the title given to me, princess?

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard cheers and applause erupt throughout the hall, I was startled but smiled with a nod at all the faces that happily greeted me. I also knew I shouldn't expect everyone in the kingdom to be this receiving of me, I knew some people always rebelled and seeing as I didn't know all the ways of vampires, I was almost certain that some people would.

"Lina, come meet my parents" Kade's voice startled me as he looked down at me with a warm smile, I reciprocated the smile and nodded feeling excited about finally meeting them. We walked through the grand hall where I saw, who I presumed to be his parents chatting along with a few people. They looked ethereal, they were gorgeous, his father had me winded that's for sure, he was one sexy beast, no wonder they birthed such beautiful kids. His mother looked just as beautiful, she had a glow, almost like a halo that adorned her.

"Father, mother" Kade nodded toward them, gaining their attention when we arrived. They turned to see us and both instantly grinned, I didn't know how to greet them so I lowered my head with a little uncertainty, I mean they were royalty right? but I was met with chuckles.

"Dear, there is no need for that" his mother said with a friendly smile, she looked so trustworthy, like I was ready to just spill to her that I murdered ten people when in reality I obviously didn't.

"I am Cleo Christabello and this is my husband Axel Christabello." She added with a grin as she took my hand that I held out for her to shake and pulled me in for a hug, I gasped at the shock that passed through my fingers at the contact but ignored it and giggled instead while returning the maternal hug.

"Well son, I'm proud to see you two have gotten closer" I heard his father say to Kade with a laugh followed by it, I pulled away from Cleo and smiled politely.

"Well, we made it work eventually" Kade replied while taking my hand in his once again, I smiled adoringly at him before looking to his father who was beaming at me.

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