Blood Crown - 43

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Guys, I am so excited and also disheartened to end this book. I poured a lot of time and effort into this and I can only hope you all enjoyed it. There will be another book coming which will focus more on Lucifer as well as Liana and Kaden's kingdom and children.

Lucifer's POV

I huffed before walking through the Lamia kingdom's castle to the hospital wing. I hated having to do this but I built up the courage to do it, it was courtesy I guess. 

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door before opening it and walking in. Kaden turned to look at me, he was hooked up to multiple machines with tubes of blood pumping into him, Liana had stepped out earlier 'coincidentally' as I planned to come see Kaden...

Fine, this was her idea.

"Hi" Kaden said, I smirked since his tone lacked its usual distaste, instead he sounded pretty normal. 

"Well you look like shit" I said as I placed some flowers I brought on the desk next to him...

Once again, yes, Liana gave me the flowers to give to him. 

He propped a brow at the flowers and chuckled softly.

"Let me guess, Liana sent you to do this" he said knowingly, I rolled my eyes and shrugged before walking over to the chair next to the bed.

"She did but I agreed" I replied before looking up at him. " Look, I owe you an apology, some things happened while you were gone which were my fault-"

"Don't worry about it, I'm obviously not thrilled that you tricked my wife into having sex with you but honestly, I'm willing to turn a new page if you are. Liana told me everything and I'm annoyed but I know you two are close and always will be, that's just something I need to come to terms with, you two have chemistry and history together and I can't erase that" he said before turning at staring up at the ceiling, I widened my eyes and nearly scoffed but held it in. He was being civil, I really was not expecting that.

"Yeah, well just so you know I do apologise" I said sincerely before leaning back into my chair, Kaden scoffed lightly.

"I know Liana put you up to this, don't apologise unless you mean it" he said still not looking at me, I smiled and sighed.

"I did mean it" I said softly, before pulling out my phone and unlocking it, the mood got a little too bromancey for me.

"New girlfriend?" Kaden asked with a laugh as he saw me typing, I chuckled and shook my head.

"Nope, just checking up on my kingdom" I replied before sending a message to my second in command who was drowning in work.

"Any new girls?" Kaden asked curiously, I'm sure he just wants my focus to be off Liana and I could have laughed by how obvious he was being but I held it back. My mind drifted to Rhea, the girl I saw in my dream, Kaden and Liana's daughter...

I cleared my throat and sat up "nope not really, sure I have fuck buddies but nothing special just yet" I replied before scrolling through Instagram...

Shit, that was a big ass, some humans are very blessed I'd give them that.

I double tapped.

"Maybe you should try settling down?" Kaden offered as he sat up in his bed carefully.

"I tried, didn't work out, don't think I will until I feel a connection again" I said as I raised my phone to show Kaden the Instagram model whose picture I just liked. Kaden stared at the picture and propped a brow at me in mock disappointment.

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