Blood Crown - 30

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I rolled my eyes and ignored the messages, I was not a fan of talking relationship issues with anyone else, including friends, family and ex's. My ideology was that talking to someone, especial an ex was a cry for help and always ends badly, I rather figure shit out on my own or with my partner.

I scrolled mindlessly through Evangelina's social media and found nothing interesting before I locked the phone and tossed it aside. I growled in frustration from tossing around mindlessly and being unable to sleep regardless of feeling exhausted. I felt drained from today's events and I also knew that being away from my realm, with mom will take its toll on me, I not only gained strength from sex but also from being in that realm. I didn't know how Kaden and I worked before and I don't know how it will work in the future or if it even will work. I didn't want to get started on thinking about mother, I'm sure she knows about my disappearance now and is most likely shreading everything apart.

She would never believe I would ever run away from her but I had to do what I had to, she lied to me and hurt me, I still loved her, she is all I knew, she raised me and trained me, taught me everything I know, she was my everything and that's why it hurt all the much more finding out the extent to which she hid and lied to me.

I rolled out of bed and grabbed a black silk robe and wrapped it around me before walking outside, I decided it shouldn't be that hard locating the kitchen and I was right since as soon as I rounded the long, overly flamboyant hall, it came into view. I walked in and tried to quietly search through the cupboards until I found coffee and decided to make some since I obviously wasn't getting any sleep tonight.

I started brewing a cup when I felt the presence of someone coming downstairs, I knew who it was before I even looked and I hoped that she didn't try anything with me because I would crush her and I most certainly wasn't in the mood. She was trying to move around as quietly as possible, maybe she still thought I had no powers because to me and my overly sensitive senses, she was making a loud commotion, it sounded like an elephant got hit with a tranquilliser and was dying.

I was in the middle of pouring my coffee in a mug when I felt the vibrations beneath my feet shift, I smirked and whipped my hand around, easily catching the knife she flung towards my head all the while still pouring my coffee.

"Weak attempt, try again" I said nonchantly before dropping the knife in the floor hearing it clang loudly on impact with the tiles. I faced away from her and tip toed to reach for the sugar and milk.

"You bitch" I heard her shrill, loud voice slice through the air.

"Must you be so obnoxiously loud, it's like two in the morning" I said in a monotone as I mixed in two teaspoons of sugar and a lot of milk into my coffee as I stirred it.

"You just think you could come here and take my man away from me!" She shouted, I rolled my eyes and sipped my coffee, some creamer would taste amazing with this!

"Hey, do you know where the creamer is?" I asked her genuinely curious

"You fucking whore" she said before lunging at me with yet another knife, I easily evaded her leaving her crashing into the sink.

"For a vampire, your instincts and movements are way too sloppy" I said with a small smirk, she screamed in frustration before using her vampire speed and zipping towards me, I sighed and grabbed her hand before bending it behind her back in a very uncomfortable angle, I applied more pressure and heard the satisfying snap followed by her wailing. I inched towards her ear.

"Darling, I wouldn't contest the daughter of El and Dragon, goddess of seduction, and demoness of darkness if you can't even wield a kitchen knife properly, especially if you're pregnant for my husband. By the way, you might want to fix that fucked up arm of yours" I said in a deathly tone before pushing her forward, she stumbled with tears streaming down her cheeks as she bawled now cradling her broken arm.

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