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Okay okay welcome back everyone to yet another chapter so let's go.

Y/N's POV:

War. It's what we were bred for. We clones were created to fight the republic's war. Clad in shiny white armor I stand in my drop ship. The battle rages below me. Looking around I see everyone but our Commander stands rigid and nervous. Commander Glade is the closest thing we have to a veteran. His distinct armor stands out around us.

Glade: Alright listen up 607th

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Glade: Alright listen up 607th.

We all stiffen up at our battalion's legion number. We belong to the 607th legion. Otherwise known as the Red Legion.

Glade: Take a look to your left.

I look to my left and see my brother Jet. His armor as white and shiny like mine.

Glade: And to your right.

I look to my right and see Tank our heavy gunner. Yet another set of shiny new armor.

Glade: Take note of your brothers when your out there.

Our ship rocks as anti air shells rip past us.

Glade: These are the men you trained with. Ate with. Studied with. And will fight with. Steel your nerves men.

Our ship lands and it shakes upon impact. The time has finally come. I grip my blaster as I turn to one of the two exits. The doors open and blaster fire rips into us.

Glade: For the Republic!

And we charge out of our ship. Screams fill my helmet as I dive behind a rock. Dirt flies up onto my armor. I feel weight next to me and see Jaeger our medic. His armor stained with sand and blood already.

Jaeger: Frost is that you?!

Y/N: Yeah! Damn bugs!

I pop out from cover and shoot but duck down as a hail of lights crashes onto our cover.

Glade: We need to take that ridge. 607th on me!

I look from my cover and see our Commander charging towards the enemy. Mustering the courage I stand up and follow behind him. Soon enough my fellow brothers are at my sides as we charge towards the enemy.

Tank: Come get some you freaks!

Tank is laying down a blanket of fire from his minigun.

Jet: Almost there!

We manage to make it to the ridge and take cover as fire rains down above us.

Glade: Into the tunnels!

We break into a sprint as our group gets split up entering different tunnels. When I go in my vision goes dark as I feel the sensation of falling.

Y/N: Gah!

I crash onto the ground. I hear the sounds of someone else and I roll to the side as another clone lands next to me. I flick on my helmets side lights.

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