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Let's just fucking go my guys.

Y/N's POV:

We charge towards the dome. A hail of fire pounds against the domes walls. Explosions ring out as our boots slam against the snow.

Glade: Here we fucking go!

The dome shatters allowing us to enter the city. Droids turn to us in surprise but it's too late. We quickly blast them to hell as we push forward.

Y/N: Jaeger I want you to set up a safe zone. Get all our wounded there do you understand?

Jaeger: Copy that I'm on it.

He runs to a building and starts securing it. Glade and I keep up our momentum as we push forward.

Glade: We have to capture the spire!

In the middle of the city is a tall building. That's most likely where Valk is behind held. Along with Oblivion.

Y/N: Do not stop! We cannot afford to slow down. We have them on their heels don't let up!

In front of me a badly put together militia comes out of a cantina and opens fire on us. I duck past the fire and fire my duel pistols into their chests. We surge forward.

Glade: Separatist tanks blocking the road!

Y/N: Tank copy?

Tank: Hell Yeah What is it boss?

Y/N: I need a firing mission stand by for coordinates.

Tank: Send 'em

Y/N: Hotel 47 Zeta 87.

Tank: I got them.

A blanket of fire falls upon the separatists blockade.

Y/N: Good shot Tank!

Tank: Hoorah I think I'm in love with this thing!

Glade: Spire is a few clicks up the road.

Y/N: Well let's not stop now!

We get to the base of the spire and that's when I see a droid army marching on our positions.

Y/N: Push them back!

We turn our attention away from the droids as a wall of blue fire roars from our advance. Some clones get hit but I see them get back up.

Y/N: Do not hold anything back.

Glade: Frost we need to capture the spire!

Y/N: Alright. Sgt Rook

A trooper turns to me and takes a knee.

Rook: Yes sir?

Y/N: Push our forces to their airfield. Capture their aircraft so we can get some air support.

Rook: What about you sirs?

Glade: We've got a General to save.

Rook: Alright. Covering!

The rest of the legion lays down cover for me and Glade as we charge into the spire. Wasting no time we dispatch the droids inside that were sent to guard it.

Y/N: We need to find some type of schematic.

Glade: Hmm.

He walks behind an information desk and rummages around and pulls out some type of map.

Glade: Looks like this thing has 150 floors. But for whatever reason floor 145 isn't listed.

Y/N: That's probably where the General is.

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