The closing hours

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Aaaaaaaand we are back y'all

Y/N's POV:

I sit in my quarters alone. In my hands are 3 sets of dog tags. One by one I look at each of the tags.

Y/N: Jet...Tank...Jaeger.

It's been a little over a month since I was rescued by the legion. It's been a little over a month since I saw what became of Jaeger. It wasn't until today I realized that I had seen that before.

Y/N: Damn...

My mind goes back to a night that seems so far away. To the night where I dreamt of finding Jaeger impaled on a tree, Valk begging me not to shoot, the feeling of recoil in my hands.

My door opens and in streams the days harsh lights.

Glade: We found him.

I nod and stand up. I stumble just a little but Glade quickly catches me.

Glade: C'mon now Frost, we're nearly there.

Y/N: Nearly where sir?

Glade: The end of the war. Somehow someway I can feel us nearing the finish line.

Y/N: This war ends with Oblivion being put in the ground.

Glade: It's a step in the right direction. Let's go soldier.

Y/N: Yes sir.

I grab my duel pistols and holster them. I place my helmet under my arm and follow Jaeger out towards our air craft.

We've been gathering intel on Oblivion's movements and learned of a large separatist assault being launched on the Kashyyyk beaches. Everything's going to be there. All separatist forces have cleared out of the jungle and are to join the main assault. They really want this planet.

Valk: Commander Glade.

Glade: Ma'am.

Valk: Captain Frost.

Y/N: Ma'am.

Valk: Are you fit to fight?

My mind goes back to the hell I endured under Oblivion's "care".

Y/N: I am ready to roll ma'am.

Valk: Good. Alright let's mount up, Master Yoda is expecting us to reinforce his men.

Glade: You heard the boss lets go!

And so we step into the aircraft. I stand in my ship with a battalion of men ready to go. The air seems electric in a way.

Glade: Comms check.

Y/N: Hear you loud and clear sir.

Valk: Check check.

Glade: All set ma'am.

Our flight goes on uninterrupted for about 10 minutes before enemy fire starts slamming into our ships. I clench my teeth as each hit makes my ship shudder in a way. But we manage to land in a clearing a short run from where the assault is taking place.

Y/N: Alright men let's go and kick some separatist ass!

The doors opens and we surge out towards the battlefield. Our assignment is to face the enemy head on on the beach. Thankfully there are mortar craters all over the place that supply us with decent cover. I slide into a crater and prop myself up and start firing at the seemingly endless super battle droids.

Glade: Frost enemy artillery being set up on your left!

Y/N: I'm on it!

I point to two troopers.

Y/N: You and you with me.

They nod and we sprint/dive into different craters pushing towards the enemy artillery. We arrive and immediately are met with resistance.

Y/N: Crap get down!

The three of us dive to ground.

Slip knot: Sir they're advancing on our right!

Y/N: 9's keep their heads down. Slip knot you two!

9's: Copy!

Slip Knot: On it!

They prop up onto their knees and lay down covering fire while I advance forward. I slide down into the enemy's cover and blast them all in the head.

Y/N: Clear!

I find that they had brought along an MG with them.

Y/N: You two passed the artillery course right?

9's: With flying colors sir!

Y/N: Good, you two work their artillery, I'll provide cover and coordinates. Clear?

Slip Knot: Crystal.

They two clones get set up while I set myself up looking down at the battlefield so that I may have the best tactical advantage possible.

Y/N: Fire on Gamma 53, Zeta 22.

Slip knot: Ready!

Y/N: Send it!

A volley of our captured artillery slams onto the beach and I lean into the MG.

Y/N: Keep firing!

I hold down the trigger as a storm of red fire emits from the MG. The enemy is visibly confused as to why they're being hit by friendly fire.

Y/N: Eat laser you metal fucks!

The battle rages on as the three of us continue to do our best and manage to keep the enemy from advancing on the left side of the beach.

Glade: All units be advised we have enemy sith in the tree forts! I repeat Oblivion is in the trees!

I look towards the intricate tree fort set up by the Wookiee's.

Y/N: Get me a machine gun squad on my position now!

After a minute of firing two clones come up behind me.

Y/N: Granite and Bait perfect. I need you two to hold this position at all costs copy?

The clones nod and I get up and start running towards the fort. My gut pulling me in the direction I think he is, I aim my grappling dart above me and fire. I'm lifted into the air and I land on a bridge of wood and rope.

Valk: He's on me south tower!

I look to my right and see two lightsabers clashing and I take off into a sprint. Climbing the stairs I burst into the south tower and immediately fire at Oblivion who blocks my shots.

Oblivion: Ah I was wondering when you'd show your face clone.

Y/N: Well I'm here now aren't I?

Seconds later Glade storms in as well.

Glade: Gangs all here now.

We raise our weapons to him and he laughs. He reaches for his waist and pulls out a second lightsaber.

Oblivion: Do you really think you can beat me?

I look at Valk and Glade before back to Oblivion.

Y/N: I don't think we can.

I aim down my sights.

Y/N: I know we will.

Aaaaand scene

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