Earning the title

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Aaaand we're back. Its currently 7:25 school hasn't started yet and I'm already done with my day.

Y/N's POV:

1 week in

I wake up at our normal time of 5:30 am on the dot. Already Havoc is in our bunks yelling at us to get ready and how we're all already dead.

2 weeks in

I stand in the simulator room as it comes up with a scenario I have to solve. The room changes to a beach of some sort. The ocean to my back and a castle of sorts about 2 clicks away. Red fire rains down onto me cutting me down instantly.

Blitz: CT 276 you are now dead. Next trooper!

3 weeks in

I have one of my brothers slung over my shoulder as I'm being tasked with carrying him to the nearest medic. I complete the task but not fast enough.

Colt: Get on your faces and run it again!

4 weeks in

Havoc storms into our barracks but we're all already in our gear and standing at attention.

Havoc: Now that's more like it!

5 weeks in

I stand in a jungle created by the simulator with a team of 2 other clones. We're tasked with capturing an enemy trench. I devise a plan and we go in taking the simulation droids by surprise and attacking from where they least expect us.

Blitz: We might just make Arc Troopers out of you yet.

6 weeks in

I stand at attention as Colt walks up and down our lines inspecting our weapons and asking us questions. He comes to me and I hand him my blaster which he begins to check for dust or any sign that I'm not taking care of it. He hands it back to me and I ready myself to answer his question.

Colt: Let me hear your war cry.

Taken aback by his order and not a question I freeze up for a moment.

Y/N: Sir?

Colt: Your war cry. Augh! Thats a war cry now let me hear yours.

Y/N: Aughhhh!

Colt: Bullshit you don't scare me! On your face.

7 weeks in

We begin a hand to hand combat course and I'm picked as an example to take on Colt.

Colt: Oh this is going to be fun.

We circle each other and I charge towards him. I throw a punch and he moves to the outside of my arm and grabs my by the hand and tricep. He then throws me over his shoulder and I land on my back.

Colt: And that is not how you-

I wrap my legs around his and twist my body bringing him down onto his face. I waist no time and get on his back and put him in a chokehold. We grapple for a few seconds and he breaks free and gets me in an arm lock.

Colt: You've got spunk.

8 weeks in

We've finally entered the home stretch of the program. We sit in a class room of sorts taking notes on tactics that we'll be expected to remember and critique to minimize casualties and boost effectiveness.

Blitz: That's all for today but before you go we have something to talk about.

Havoc and Colt walk into the room each standing with two flags.

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