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Okay okay do not skip this at all! We have an official writing schedule!

Monday- Not Your Average Journey
Tuesday- Just Another Number
Wednesday- I'm no Hero
Thursday- The Son of Aries
Friday- To Be Determined

Y/N's POV:

I stand in my dropship. Bellow me is the frontlines of Kashyyyk. And from what I've been told, it's a real shit hole.

Jaeger: Hey Frost?

Y/N: Yeah?

Jaeger: What exactly is our objective?

Y/N: The Separatists pushed deep into the planets jungles. So we're being tasked with finding them and pushing them out.

Jaeger: What like Tamuta?

Y/N: No. this here is dense jungle. But we've been trained for jungle warfare.

The ship lands and my platoon steps out on the FOB (Forward Operating Base)

Glade: Captain

Y/N: Commander?

Glade: I want you to take a recon party into the jungle.

He pulls out a holographic map of some kind and starts to trace a route.

Glade: Our first phase of taking back this planet involves getting a better foothold in this hell hole. You and your recon party are to clear out this area here. Here. And here.

Y/N: Anything I should keep an eye out for sir?

Glade: We've gotten reports of camouflage droids and word that the wildlife is incredibly dangerous.

Y/N: Copy that. I'll get together a party.

We walk away from each other and I start to round up a group of 4 other clones.

Y/N: Jaeger, Rook, Ash, and Null your all rolling with me.

Jaeger: Figured as much. C'mon boys.

And so we set out into the jungle. Sunlight streams in through openings from the trees. It's hot, it's muggy yet we push on.

Rook: Any idea what exactly we're looking for?

Y/N: We're just securing footholds in the jungle. We need to be able to push these damn clankers out of here.

Null: Hmm how have other recon parties faired?

Y/N: I didn't ask.

Ash: Lot of hiding places around here.

Y/N: There are so keep your eyes and ears open.

We continue on to the first objective when I begin to get the feeling of being watched. So I hold out my hand making the hault signal. We all get onto one knee creating a circle.

Y/N: Eyes open boys we're being stalked.

I grip my duel pistols and watch the surrounding jungle. I hear a twig snap and then 6 cat like creatures lunge out from the surrounding jungle.

 I hear a twig snap and then 6 cat like creatures lunge out from the surrounding jungle

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