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Leeeets goooo bois. This is it. This is the final chapter in this story. Woooo lets go bois.

Y/N's POV:

I sit in the cockpit of my transport ship listening to transmissions of success in killing the Jedi. Without that much fuel left I shut the ship off and stare at a holo map.

Y/N: Well we cant go there...or here. Or over there either.

I mentally check off planets that are republic occupied. And then it comes to me. There's one place the republic can't get Valk.

Y/N: Attention all passengers this is your captain speaking. We will begin our approach to Mandalore now. Please turn off all electrical devices.

The ship hums to life and we begin our trip to Mandalore. We are forced to dodge republic patrol vehicles but after some time we make it to the planet.

Y/N: Huh well that was-

Our ship rocks to the side as a blast rips through our wing.

Y/N: Fucking shit!

I look behind us and see friendly...enemy aircraft on our 6.

Y/N: Alright...come on girl I need you to hold out for a little longer.

I turn it to a nose dive and they and we start heading straight to the planets surface. The comms then come on.

Valk: Frost what's going on?!

Y/N: Sit tight things are about to get...

Valk: Bumpy?

Y/N: I was gonna say crashey but sure. Bumpy.

The enemy aircraft give chase all while trying to gun us down. Sparks start to fly all over the cockpit as fire engulfs the wings.

Y/N: C'mon c'mon just a little longer.

The familiar domes of Mandalore come into view. Lasers fly past my field of view and I lose control of the ship.

Y/N: Brace for impact!

And we crash. My body is hit with the sudden force of stopping. Gravel and glass fly at me. My head slams into the side of the cockpit. The cockpit catches fire and I fight to stay awake. The need to make sure Valk is okay overtakes my body.

Y/N: How many times have I crashed?

I drag myself out and see the enemy aircraft circling back around.

Y/N: Damn...

I limp towards the side of the ship and begin to pry it open. Inside is an unconscious Valk.

Y/N: Okay...I got you.

I pull her out and throw her onto my shoulders. The roar of aircraft fills my ears as the ground is pounded with bombs. Dirt flies up at me but I push on. It's at this point the Mandorlians have stepped out in their armor to see who was attacking their land.

Y/N: Help!

Mandorlian: Why is the republic attacking us!

They spring into action and fire back as more aircraft come into view. But by then I've made it to the Mandorlians.

Y/N: Please help us.

Mandorlian: Who is she.

Y/N: My General...the love of my life.

Mandorlian: We can take her, but not you.

Y/N: Why?

The clones have now landed on the planet.

Mandalorian: She is of our kind. You are not. That is the way of our people.

Y/N: Fine. Just...please protect her.

I reach for my neck and pull as a pair of dog tags comes into my hands. I open Valk's hands and place them in her hands.

Y/N: I love you.

I reach for my pistols.

Y/N: I'll cover you. Go!

They nod and start taking her away. I turn to the advancing clone squad. I set my blasters to stun.

Y/N: These are still my brothers. And i will not spill their blood here.

I open fire as they fire back. I dodge shot after shot. All of my past experiences come to me. One of them comes close quarters and throws a punch. I grab his hand and his forearm and throw him over head.

Y/N: Ark Training.

I stun two troopers when a grenade lands next to them. Acting fast I grab a large rock and dive onto the grenade. The rock absorbs most of the blast but still hurts like a bitch.

Y/N: How did Jet do that?

I get surrounded and grab a clones mini gun. Setting it to stun I let loose a blanket of fire incapacitating the oncoming clones. A shot hits me in the side and I fall backwards.

Y/N: Man that thing was heavy, no wonder Tank was so strong.

I immediately grab a canister of bio foam from my pack and start applying it remembering all the steps to proper use from Jaeger.

Y/N: God I wish they didn't go.

I stand up and open fire with my pistols when I suddenly run out of ammo. So I begin to fight with my hands.

Y/N: I don't want to kill any of you!

And a shot slams into my helmet and I fall backwards. Groaning I get back up when a stun shot hits me.

Commander Cody: Captain Frost?

I lift my head up to see the familiar yellow 212th clone commander I fought with on Kamino.

Cody: What is the meaning of this?

Y/N: I did what I thought was right sir.

He looks at me.

Cody: Cuff him.

And I'm lifted off the ground with restraints put on me. But I have no intention of giving up. As they march me to a transport ship they shove me into it. But I've already started breaking out of the cuffs. See in Ark training they taught us how to escape confinement. If it's not done quick enough you may be lost forever.

Y/N: And got it.

I throw the cuffs to the ground and the clones guarding me turn to me confused but are met with me slamming their heads together knocking them out.

Y/N: Now to get out of here.

And I come up behind the pilot easily choking him out. I start the ship and begin to take off. I take one last look behind me at the domes of Mandalore.

Y/N: Until we meet again my love...

3rd person POV:

It's been a few years since the end of the clone wars. We find ourselves at one of the many memorials. A black wall with names inscribed on them. Names of the 607th legion. The Red Legion. We see a figure wearing a cloak with their hands on the wall.

Y/N: If only you could see what's become of us.

The figure takes their hand off the wall and turns to reveal a red ark helmet. It's covered in dirt and blaster marks. The veteran of the war holds 3 dog tags in his hand.

They might have just been numbers. But to the veteran they were family, friends, and the people he would die for.

In his heart the veteran knew he was just a number. A cog that made a machine work. A nameless suit of armor.

He was just a number.

Aaaand scene.

I'd like to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you to everyone who's read, voted, or commented on this book. It's been a privilege to write a book that you looked forward to being updated. This is it. This is the end of the book. And one last time. Thank you

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