Live with honor

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Leeeeettttts go my guys

Y/N's POV:

I stand in a gunship with my platoon. Below us is the soil of Gastro. While the air is extremely toxic the planet is rich in raw minerals. For whatever reason the inhabitants have deemed that they no longer wish to be apart of the Republic and are now rebelling. Fortunately for them they are immune to the air, unfortunately we aren't.

Y/N: Listen up men. These people are immune to the air, we aren't. Any breach in your suit and the air will eat you from the inside out. And apparently it isn't pleasant.

Tank: What exactly do you mean eat us from the inside out?

Jaeger: He means the air is actually alive. It's a living being and it hates outsiders.

Y/N: Thank you Jaeger. Glad someone's been studying.

Tank: What do the insurrection soldiers look like?

Y/N: Hard to tell, the planets dark as hell, just shoot at where ever the enemy fire is coming from.

Our gunship tilts as an anti air missiles whiz past us.

Pilot: Get ready we've got a hot LZ!

Y/N: You heard him boys.

I grip my rifle and look down to make sure I'm all set. I've got grenades, my duel pistols and my canteen.

Tank: Here we go.

We land and our doors open. I run out the left side and immediately come under fire. I duck and take cover next to a destroyed wall of some kind. I see a hail of blue spitting from Tank's minigun. Jaeger takes cover next to me.

Jaeger: Well isn't this lovely?

I go prone and start firing from the side of the wall.

Y/N: Oh yeah this is just peachy.

Tank takes cover next to us and I see the rest of my troops behind cover.

Y/N: Listen up boys we've been task with capturing this hill designated Hill 56. We have to take this hill in order to set up our artillery.

Tank: Yeah I know what we have to do. The question is how do we do it?!

Jaeger: Gah these bastards can aim.

Y/N: Jaeger what kind of grenades do you have on you?

Jaeger: Just smoke grenades.

Y/N: Perfect.

He hands me one and I pull the pin.

Y/N: On my mark we charge their fortifications.

I hurl the smoke overhead and I watch as a plume of red spills out from the canister.

Y/N: Now!

I get up and lead a charge up a hill. The fatter up we go the more I can make out what we're up against. On top of the hill is a fort of some kind. Machine gun fire fly's through the smoke but the shots are too high to hit us.

Y/N: We're almost out of the smoke get ready to storm their fortifications!

I'm the first one to step foot out of the smoke and I open fire. Blaster fire pounds the ground around me.

Tank: Hahah now this is fun.

We push through the fire and step inside their fortifications. In the center is a flat slab of ground. Around it are the walls and stairs that lead to the machine gun nests.

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