Cut off

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Ah ha ha ha I'm back so let's just go yeah?


I stand at a med bay window over looking Jaeger, Jet, and Tank. They'll live but won't be seeing the field for awhile.

Valk: Frost.

I jump a little and turn around to face the General.

Valk: What are you doing?

Y/N: Overlooking my brothers. It's my fault they're in there.

Valk: That is the reality of war. How are you feeling?

How am I feeling? Did she really just ask me that?

Y/N: I beg your pardon General, but what do you mean?

Valk: Physically.

I rotate my shoulder. It's sore but not enough to land me in the med bay.

Y/N: Fine ma'am.

Valk: Emotionally?

Y/N: Uhh

Valk: Look you don't have to share it with me. But since you've proven yourself I need to make sure your fit to fight at my side. No other reason.

I nod.

Valk: Look Glade and I along with some of the legion are leaving on a mission to root out any separatist forces around the capital. Do you want to come with us?

I grab my blaster that I set next to me.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

She nods.

Valk: Report to Glade outside.

She walks away with an extra pep in her step. This is gonna be a long day. I report to Commander Glade.

Glade: Frost. Good to see that your on your feet. How are the others?

Y/N: Banged up and are still in the med bay being treated. But I'm here because General Valk asked if I wanted to come along for today's mission.

Glade: That's odd...I could've sworn I told her your group earned a breather.

Y/N: I appreciate the thought sir. But we're soldiers and we have to soldier on.

Glade: Taken a page out of my book I see. Alright come along then. We have to deal with a separatist stronghold that's cut off a village from the capital. If we don't take it those villagers will die.

Y/N: I coulda sworn we came here for political reasons.

Glade: And the separatists felt threatened by us. Right now what they are doing is forcing the capital to swear allegiance to them by holding their people captive.

Y/N: And now we are going to win their favor by saving their people?

Glade: Correct. Let's get a move on trooper.

Y/N: Yes sir.

He leads me to a ship where a few of my brothers and General Valk are waiting.

General Valk: Commander Glade.

Glade: General.

They stand next to each other as we take off. For the first few minutes all is calm.

Trooper: This might be easier than I thou-

Our ship shakes as anti air defenses explode all around us.

Y/N: You just had to say something.

Pilot: Gah damn separatist set a trap! We're not even close to the stronghold and they're already trying to shoot us down.

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