Stand your ground

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Nothing but free time in class so let's get it going.

Y/N's POV:

Y/N: Don't give them an inch!

We fire into the horde of super droids. Their slow but bulky. It takes us each about to 2 shots to take one down.

Y/N: Jaeger use the flare!

Jaeger: On it!

Jaeger rolls into one of the foxholes and grabs the flare gun before firing it into the sky.

Elsewhere in the capital.

Glade: Is that?

Glade takes off running and finds General Valk standing by a meeting room.

General: Commander Glade?

Glade: Frost's group used a droid attack flare. We need to move now.

Valk: Hmm...No.

Glade: No? Ma'am I don't understand.

Valk: Wait 5 minutes before deploying. I want to know how strong his will is.

Glade: Yes ma'am.

Glade walks outside and looks at the falling flare.

Glade: Hold fast boys, hold fast.

Back to the fight

Tank: Woohoo get some you filthy clankers!

Jaeger: Crap there's too many of them!

I lob a grenade into the crowd and only a few of the droids fall.

Y/N: Jet please tell me their in range of the traps!

Jet: Yeah! Should I blow them sky high yet?

Y/N: No save it for now.

They start to get closer to our entrenched position.

Jaeger: Where is our backup?!

Y/N: Coming. We have to hold them off.

We keep firing but the air is filled with a new noise. A whistling noise.

Y/N: Mortars! Hit the deck!

We all dive into foxholes as bombs pound the ground around us.

Y/N: We can't let them get closer!

Tank: We're pinned!

Y/N: I know that! On me!

I roll out from my hole and push forward behind a crate and start to fire back at the super droids.

Jaeger: Ah screw it!

He stands up and slides next to me and fires back.

Y/N: Tank get up here!

Tank runs over and sets his gun on top of a piece of cover and fires back as if he were on a turret.

Jet: Frost the traps!

I look behind me and see his detonator behind me and I grab it.

Jet: They are within range!

He gets up to move when a mortar lands next to him sending him airborne. He comes down hard on his head and isn't moving.

Tank: Jet!

Jaeger: Cover me!

Jaeger gets up and run towards Jet while Tank gets up and acts as a moving shield for Jaeger.

Tank: Your gonna pay for that you ugly bastards!

As the words leave his mouth two red bolts pound into his chest plate dropping him. Jaeger manages to pull both of them out of the fire and begins working on them.

Jaeger: Good news!

Y/N: I could use some of that!

I duck under a stream of red and change cover. Soil bounces up at me.

Jaeger: They've both got pulses! But the pulses are weak! We can't hold out for much longer!

I duck behind cover and look around us. I spot a building to our left.

Y/N: Jaeger you see that bar to our left?

Jaeger: Yeah.

Y/N: Move Tank and Jet over there. We can't let them get hit by a lucky shot.

I pop back up and feel a burning sensation in my shoulder but I fire back.

Jaeger: Cover me!

He grabs Jet by the shoulders and drags him through an open space into the bar before running out. I put a hand on my shoulder and wince in pain.

Y/N: Gah bastards hit me.

Jaeger: Frost are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah just worry about Tank!

I peek from the side of the crate and see the droids almost at our doorstep. I fire at them as Jaeger drags Tank into the bar. Red bolts fly all around him.

Jaeger: Man they really want us dead!

He runs back to me and slides next to me.

Y/N: They're right on us!

Jaeger: Any ideas?

I look at the detonator in my hand.

Y/N: One. Brace yourself.

I peek back out and see them right where I want them. I press down on the detonator as an explosion rips through their ranks and fills my ears. The blast knocks me onto my ass as debris flies everywhere. Looking over I see Jaeger limp. Putting my finger to his neck I sigh in relief at his pulse.

Y/N: That better have worked.

But it didn't. I hear the sound of metal pounding on the ground. Suddenly my cover is pushed aside as one superdroid looks down at us. He aims at Jaeger and I throw myself on top of him ready to embrace death. But it never came. Instead the droid drops dead with a burn mark on its eye. Looking over I see our backup.

Glade: Good work boys. We'll take it from here.

Glade leads our brothers towards the droids and due to their numbers the droids are swiftly dealt with.

Y/N: Took you guys long enough.

I manage to sit up and my head rests against something. Before the thought of rest can come to mind I see her. General Valk.

Valk: And what do we have here?

I look to her and pull myself up. She looks me over and her eyes stop on my shoulder.

Valk: Your hit.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Valk: You held well soldier. And your men?

Y/N: Alive but in need of medical attention. Two of them are in the bar. One hit the other completely unconscious.

Valk: I want a full report by tomorrow morning.

Y/N: General if I may.

She looks at me before nodding.

Y/N: What took you so long to respond the droid attack flare?

I can see her shoulders bouncing and a grin forming on her face. The bitch set us up.

Valk: I knew you were good. And I wanted to make sure that Glade isn't just promoting people for the hell of it. Yes you were set up but you went above and beyond my expectations. Get some rest Frost. We have more fighting to do.

I nod and turn towards Glade who's walking back and he just nods at me.

Glade: Excellent work trooper. Your boys earned their colors today.

I salute and pick up my blaster. This is going to be a long campaign.

Aaaaand scene

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