Crowd Pleaser

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Aaaaaaaaand we're back

Y/N's POV:

I get taken back to my cell and forced to wait until my next match against some other gladiator. Of course it's to the death.

Y/N: I should get this off.

I take off my armor and start to inspect all the hell I've put it through. It's still coated in Rancor blood.

Y/N: Ew.

I grab a rag and start cleaning off the armor.

Y/N: Might as well take care of this thing.

Once I finish up I put the armor back on and sit against the wall with nothing but time on my hands. Could I break out? Yeah. But I'd rather not have everyone in this dome hunt me down.

Valk's POV:

I sit on my couch in my quite home. This was supposed to be a relaxing trip for Frost and I and of course he's in another life and death situation.

Valk: If he doesn't come out on top I don't know what I'll do with myself.

Dak's POV (ew):

I wasn't expecting that home-wrecker to survive the Acklay and Rancor. Guess we'll just have to up the ante.

Dak: Tread lightly Frost.

I grab my families weapon off it's mantel. Turning it on a black blade springs out.

Dak: We'll be seeing each other soon.

Y/N's POV:

I wake up to the sound of a guard opening my cell.

Y/N: I'm up.

Guard: Move it. You have your match right now.

I nod my head and step out of my cell and walk towards the gate where I'll be released from.

Y/N: I can do this. I'm so close.

Valk's POV:

I sit in the crowd watching the arena. Luckily if Frost wins this one he's freed from this hell hole.

Valk: No Dak today? Must be my lucky day.

Y/N's POV:

I bounce up and down in front of the gates to warm up. The gate then rises and I jog out. A mixed amount of boos and applause fill the stands.

Y/N: Alright I'm ready.

The gate across from me begins to open. But no one steps out. Instead I duck under a blaster shot.

Y/N: What the hell?!

Out from the dark tunnel steps the gunman.

Dak: Frost.

Y/N: Dak.

The crowd roars in applause and cheers as Dak enters the arena.

Valk's POV:

Valk: Oh shit...come on Frost you got this.

Y/N's POV:

Y/N: So you actually came?

Dak: Unlike you Republic dog, I have a reputation to uphold. And you made a grave mistake challenging me.

Y/N: Ha I've seen droids scarier than you.

I unholster my duel pistols as Dak pulls out an EE-3.

Dak: Lets not keep the audience waiting

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Dak: Lets not keep the audience waiting. Shall we?

Y/N: Gladly.

I activate the jet pack and strafe to the right and fire a wave of 2 shots. Dak performs a combat roll out of the way and gets one one knee. He takes aim a three blaster shots fly at me. I turn off the jet pack and roll onto the ground to avoid the shots. Dirt flies up around me.

Dak: That all you got?

He goes on the offensive and activates his jet pack going Airborne. I do the same we begin shooting each other while flying. He ends up shooting my pistols out of my hands.

Y/N: Shit!

He takes aim and I move to the side and charge him. We clash midair and start wrestling for his gun. I drive my knee into his gut and he rams his elbow into my throat and uses the stock of his rifle to bash me over the head.

Dak: Is this supposed to be your best?!

My jet pack cuts out. Ran out of fuel. I fall to the ground and land on my back. I narrowly dodge death as I roll away from his blaster fire.

Dak: Because your best isn't good enough!

He strafes over me and fires down at me but I manage to roll away from his barrage. Thinking on my feet I grab a rock from the floor and hurl it at his jetpack. The rock manages to lodge itself into the jetpack and he starts to fall.

Dak: Shit!

The second he's close enough to the ground and I tackle him. I wrap my hands around his throat and proceed to choke the shit out of him.

Dak: Not....yet!

He grabs something from his waist and activates what I presume is a lightsaber except it's pitch black. I let go of his throat and roll away from his swing.

Y/N: Oh what's this? A lightsaber for little old me?

He charges at me and swings downward. I step to the left and activate my wrist mounted flamethrower and burn the shit out of him. He cuts through the fire and the blade rakes across my chest piece.

Y/N: Mother fucker!

He kicks me in the knee and I fall down. He stands above me and raises his blade up.

Dak: And now you die Republic dog!

Valk's POV:

Time seemed to slow down for me. Frost was on the ground with Dak ready to kill him. My body begins to move on its own and I grab something from my waist. Without even thinking I throw it directly at Frost.

Y/N's POV:

I see something sail through the air and I catch it. The smooth hilt allows me to find its trigger. Pressing down on the trigger a blue blade erupts from the opening and I block Dak's strike.

Dak: What?!

The crowd roars in applause. I bring my foot to me chest and kick Dak back before standing up. In my hand is my General's lightsaber. I look back at her and nod.

Dak: You're quite the pest!

He charges at me and I meet him halfway. Our blades collide as we fight for dominance. I side step one of his swings and stab my blade into his stomach.

Dak: Grah!

He kicks me away from himself and charges at me with the blade still in him. He stabs his towards me and I step outside his strike. I manage to grab his own blade from him and stab it into his chest. He falls to his knees still somehow alive. I pull out Valk's lightsaber from his stomach and swing it sideways cutting his head clean off.

Y/N: Go fuck yourself.

I sit down as the crowd cheers for me. It's over

Aaaaaand scene. Happy Area 51 raid guys

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