...Is a good defense

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Let's gooooooo

Y/N's POV:

We all sprint to the sounds of gunfire. Our boots echo against the wall until we come to an intersection. One side leads to something dark and ominous. My gut tells me to stay away from it.

Y/N: I'll go down this way.

Rex: Right then, good luck trooper.

He runs along with the rest of the squad and I tighten the grip on my pistols as I walk down the hall. A chill runs up and down my spine, when I reach the end I realize where I am at. The genetics lab, where they house all the clone genes.

Y/N: Alright gut what were you warning me about?

I step into the lab and see that it's relatively untouched. Just a few loose things from the shaking but nothing too crazy.

Y/N: Hmm...

I hear the sound of footsteps and I turn towards the source. I aim my pistols at the source.

Y/N: Whoever is there you'd better identify yourself.

A laugh echos off of the walls as I see a red hue glow against the wall.

Y/N: I've got a real bad feeling about this.

The footsteps get louder until I see the source. The man who is the source of my deepest pain.

Oblivion: Well well well. If it isn't Frost. Been awhile hasn't it?

Y/N: Not really, I just woke up today.

We start to circle each other. He uses it as a scare tactic while I study him for any weaknesses.

Y/N: But remind me, how long has it been?

Oblivion: Just about 7 months since you last embarrassed me.

Y/N: Wow that was a long nap.

Oblivion: She dreams of me you know.

I tighten the grip on my blaster.

Oblivion: Struck a nerve didn't I? Tell me before you die, what do you think of her.

Y/N: Oh I'm sorry I thought we were fighting?

Oblivion: Have it your way then.

He charges at me and I fire at his legs before changing my course of fire and aiming at his shoulder. While he blocks the leg shots my shoulder shots connect. He swings his saber horizontally and I duck under it. With my back turned to him I smash my elbow into his mask.

Oblivion: A little faster aren't we?

He pushes me back. He charges at me and I slide under his stab and wrap my legs around his knees and twist bringing him down. I quickly get on him and place my blaster against his head and fire.

Oblivion: Did you really think that would work?

He pushes me off and slashes upwards with his saber. I back up but I'm still caught by the saber. Luckily it just leaves a deep cut on my armor. He runs up to me and kicks my knee in bringing me to my knees. He raises his saber over head to kill me but I sling my rocket forward and use my launcher to stop the blade. The launcher is cut in half and the rocket falls out. Oblivion gets on my waist and goes for another stab. I punch him right where his nose should be. I reach for my pistol but he slams his blade towards my head. I jerk my head away from it and grab the rocket that fell out. Slamming the butt of it on the ground I feel it ignite. Acting fast I slam it into Oblivion's side sending him flying from the explosion and Im sent skidding to the side.

(Okay if you've ever seen Saving Private Ryan then you'd recall that two of the soldiers grabbed explosive projectiles and slammed the butt of it into the ground thus igniting the explosive, so that's what Frost did)

My ears ring as I pull myself up.

Y/N: Thanks 99.

I shake my head as I see Oblivion stand up almost as if nothing happened. But then the doors to the cloning room open and in pours a bunch of clones lead by General Shak Ti and Blitz.

Blitz: I thought we'd find you doing something stupid.

We all take aim at Oblivion and he stares us all down.

Oblivion: Can't take me alone can you Frost?

Y/N: Eh I could, just a little rusty is all.

Shak Ti: You are outnumbered, do not resist.

We open fire and he blocks the shots sending a few back but a lot still hit him. But he seems unphased by the blasters slamming into him. He presses something on his wrist and a drill breaks into the facility. A wire comes down and he grabs onto it as it pulls him up. Thus completing his escape.

Blitz: Damn that bastard is tough.

Y/N: Yeah tell me about it, I hit him with a cannon once and he survived. That and I dropped a building on him.

Blitz: Are you okay trooper?

Y/N: Yeah, look Sir. Havoc and Colt are dead.

Blitz: Yeah I know...training Arc Troopers and regular troopers just got harder.

We leave the facility in time to see the bald headed lady make her escape. That's it, we won. We successfully defended our home world.

Y/N: Heh those bastards are going to need a lot more than that to take our home.

Blitz: Your damn right. Come on let's get you shipped out of here.

Y/N: To where?

Blitz: Well your legions got a cruiser again. They call it the Perseverance.

Y/N: Huh. Well thanks sir.

He leads me to a transport ship and I'm taken to my legion. Upon arrival I step off and see Tank, Jaeger, Glade and the General waiting for me.

Tank: There he is.

Both Tank and Jaeger come up to me and we all highfive.

Y/N: I'm back.

Glade: And just in time, we've got an insurrection on our hands.

Y/N: Really?

Glade: Yeah we leave in 2 days for Gastro. Glad to have you back.

He leaves with Tank and Jaeger leaving me with the General. She makes her way up to me and inspects the large cut on my chest piece.

Valk: He did this didn't he?

Y/N: Oblivion? Yes ma'am.

I see her hands shake, not with fear but with anger.

Valk: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry we weren't there to help.

Her body shakes as hot tears drop from her face. Acting fast I move her away from being in the open. I wipe her tears away.

Y/N: It's fine ma'am I kicked his ass.

She laughs a little and hits my shoulder.

Valk: Get that fixed, Gastro has an undesirable air that is unbreathable and toxic. So close all breaches.

Y/N: Copy that.

She wipes her face and puts her hand on my chest.

Valk: Wouldn't want my favorite to die to toxic air.

She leaves me right after saying that.

Y/N: Favorite?

Aaaand scene

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