Die with glory

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Let's frick fracking go

Y/N's POV:

I pull myself up from the ground. My ears ring and my head pounds. What in the world happened. Suddenly my head is filled with screams. Pulling myself up I see dead clones and incoming insurgents.

Jaeger: Frost!

I'm tackled off of my feet as a hail of blaster fire crashes onto the ground I was just getting up from.

Y/N: What's even happening?!

I roll off the ground and fire into two insurgents heads as they try and storm our fort.

Jaeger: The enemy set up artillery down below. Bastards have droid backup.

Y/N: Where's Tank?

Jaeger: Leading the defense.

Y/N: This I've gotta see.

I run to the front gate and find Tank ordering troops around.

Tank: Frost!

Y/N: I'm here.

I drop to one knee and fire into a droids chest and head.

Tank: These bastards got the jump on us.

Y/N: We've got to hold.

Tank: Sir with all due respect we need to leave they've got us surrounded.

Y/N: Right. Jaeger get on comms with the commander and General. See if you can get us exvil or at the very least some damn backup!

Jaeger: On it!

He runs to our comm station and gets to work.

Y/N: Ready brother?

Tank: Born ready.

We fist bump before popping up and opening fire.

Y/N: Hold!

Tank: Hahah get some you Separatist dogs!

I see a grenade thrown at us, I catch it and hurl it back into the flood of enemies.

Explosions pound the walls and dirt jumps up at us, but nonetheless we hold.

Jaeger: Frost!

Jaeger slides next to me.

Jaeger: Just got off the comms with the Commander, he's sending his gunships to get us and reinforce the General.

Y/N: Why reinforce the General?

A commando droid breaks through and I quickly kick it to the ground and rip off its head.

Jaeger: She's under attack just like us. The commander is as well but he's holding up much better than we are. Exvil will be here in 5.

Tank: We're running low on ammo here!

Y/N: Everyone listen up. Exvil will be here in 5. As far as ammo goes...

I look to everyone waiting with baited breath.

Y/N: Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes.

The enemies get closer as we all take our shots and continue to hold our ground.

Tank: Damn these bastards are tough.

Y/N: Yeah no wonder why we were called upon to fight them.

Jaeger: Fucking hell how many more of them are there?!

Clone: I'm empty!

Clone 2: Here make it count!

I see my brothers sharing ammo, grenades hell even rocks.

Y/N: If we make it through this drinks on me.

I see a rocket flying at us and I shoot it out of the air.

Tank: Nice shot!

Jaeger: We can do this sir!

I go to fire only to be met with the worse sound......click click.

Y/N: Fuck I'm empty!

I holster my blasters as I look around for a weapon. Finding nothing I peek out from my cover and see the enemy advancing closer.

Y/N: Fuck it!

I run out and tackle a commando and take its sword and quickly cutting its head off. Grab it's blaster and fall back to cover.

Tank: Might I say that was badass.

Y/N: I try.

I peak from cover and blast a few insurgents and droids. Grabbing the sword I hurl it into an insurgents chest.

Jaeger: That must've hurt!

I see super battle droids marching slowly towards us.

Y/N: Please tell me we have some type of heavy ordinance to drop on these fuckers!

Tank: You two go get the rockets from those two fallen clones!

Two clones get up and come back with just rockets.

Clone: Sir the launchers were broken.

Y/N: That's fine we don't need launchers.

I slam a rocket on the ground and hurl it into the incoming droid army.

Tank: Didn't know they did that!

Jaeger: Well start slamming!

Jaeger slams a rocket and throws it into the air, it crashes down onto 5 insurgents.

Tank: I can do better!

He slams his rocket and slings it into a super battle droid blowing it and the surrounding 6 droids to hell.

Jaeger: Show off.

I look to the sky and see the headlights of gunships.

Y/N: Haha the exvil is here boys! Get ready to fall back on my command.

Tank: Just a little longer.

Jaeger: Watch the left!

I duck under a blaster shot and fire back.

Y/N: Thanks.

Jaeger: No problem.

I hear a sharp inhale next to me and I turn my head and see Tank holding his side.

Y/N: Tank?

He moves his hand and I see a hole in his side. The gunships land.

Tank: Go.

Y/N: We're not leaving you behind!

Tank: I'm already a dead man.

He grabs my chest piece.

Tank: You've got to promise me you'll fight till the end no matter what.

Y/N: Tank I-

Tank: Promise me. Promise me you'll never surrender.

Y/N: I will.

He nods and lifts his gun up.

Tank: Hey Frost, Live with honor.

Y/N: Die with glory.

He steps out and opens fire.

Y/N: Fall back!

We get up and haul ass to the gunships. I manage to step onto my gunship and I turn back to Tank. I see him push forward. Blaster fire rips into him but he doesn't yield. I can faintly here him cursing out the enemy as he falls to one knee. They surround him but he stands up his legs shaking. He lets out one last defiant war cry and then nothing. Silence as he falls to the ground dead.

Y/N: Goodbye...old friend.

And then the doors close.

Aaaaand scene hope y'all like it see ya later.

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