Charlie Bravo

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Leeeeeeets frick fracking go

Y/N's POV:

The sun begins to rise and still sit protectively over the General. In the past couple of hours I've had to fight wildlife and slavers. I reach into our rations and set up a pot of coffee to help keep me awake.

Y/N: Damn...reminds me of the Crucible. Hardly any rations, no sleep, and a long march ahead of me.

The body next to me begins to stir and sits up. Her hair a little messy from our crash and her eyes shining their usual blue.

Y/N: Morning.

She stretches and yawns.

Valk: Morning Frost.

Y/N: How're you feeling?

Valk: Sore but I'm alive thanks to you.

The pot of coffee boils and finishes. I break out two cups and pour us each some of the incredibly bitter coffee.

Y/N: Never liked these.

I bring the hot liquid to my lips and drink. The bitter liquid burns my throat.

Valk: Do we know where Commander Glade is?

Y/N: Last I heard he was at some village next to a reflective lake.

Valk: Any idea where that might be?

Y/N: No but I figure those mountains over there should provide us ample high ground to see if we can find it.

Valk: Well lets get to it. No time like the present.

I help her up and we start making our way towards the mountains and start making small talk to pass the time.

Valk: So Frost what do you think you'll end up doing after the war ends?

Y/N: Assuming I make it the end? No idea I haven't thought about it.

Valk: Why's that?

Y/N: Well I'm a soldier ma'am. All I've known is war. But if it were at all possible maybe I'd take up farming and settle down. Maybe have a family.

Valk: Huh Well that's a nice dream captain.

Y/N: What about you General?

Valk: Well I'd like to leave the Jedi order one day. Start a family and settle down somewhere where I can be at peace. Maybe go home.

Y/N: And where is home ma'am?

Valk: You wouldn't believe me.

Y/N: Well I trust you with my life General so if anyone would believe you, it'd be me.

She smiles and her face practically glows in the morning sun.

Valk: Mandalor. I'm from Mandalor.

Y/N: Your a mandalorian?

Valk: I am.

Y/N: I thought they hated the Jedi?

Valk: The stigma's still there. But I was young when the Jedi found me and brought me to their temples to learn how to use the force properly. I haven't been back since I was in my early padawan days.

Y/N: Well General I'm sure it'd be nice to go home somewhere safe. And with the second strongest faction in this war.

Valk: And What's the strongest?

Y/N: The 607th, not the Republic. The 607th.

Valk: I don't doubt it. Especially with men like you and Glade.

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