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Wassssap lets just go my dudes.

Y/N's POV:

We get back to base after the ride back from the village. I make a trip to the med bay and find Jet and Tank already up and about while Jaeger sits in his bed.

Tank: Well well well if it's isn't the unkillable bastard himself.

We do a quick bro hug.

Y/N: Not unkillable, just better at not getting hit unlike some clone I know.

Jet: Ain't that the truth.

Y/N: How's the neck Jet?

Jet: A little stiff but I'll be fine sir.

Y/N: Alright. Jaeger how you feeling?

Jaeger: Aside from my headache from Tank's non stop talking? Fine.

Tank: Oh yeah yeah.

Y/N: Well it's good to see that your all alive and okay. Look Commander Glade has put in a recommendation for me to train to become an Arc Trooper. I leave within the hour back to Kamino.

Jet: Well he couldn't have picked a better trooper.

Jaeger: How long is the training process?

Tank: I heard 3 months.

Y/N: Until they deem we are ready I suppose. I just came to say my goodbyes and when I come back you'd all better be alive.

Jaeger: I'll keep them alive.

Jet: No one else will.

Tank: Yeah we'll be fine. Go give them hell Frost.

I nod and walk out the Medbay and meet up with Commander Glade.

Glade: I will be escorting you back to Kamino as I've got some business to handle on the planet anyway.

The General comes up to us. Her limp almost gone.

Valk: I suppose this is goodbye for you Frost?

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Glade: I'll be on the ship.

He walks away and the General looks me up and down. Only stopping at my visor.

Valk: I've yet to see your face soldier.

Y/N: We're all the same ma'am. I'm just like everyone else.

Valk: But your not, your going to this training because we've seen that your a capable soldier.

She turns away from me.

Valk: The 607th hasn't had any Arc troopers since the Battle of Tamuta (yet another planet from the brilliant @EchoSquadron) We lost just about everything, my master included. In the end the planet retained its neutrality and all those clones we lost were for nothing.

I stand there unsure of what to say.

Valk: You will be the first Arc Trooper the 607th will have since it's glory days. You will play an important role for this legions future. Don't ever forget that.

She turns back around and offers me her hand and I shake it before turning to walk away.

Y/N: I won't.

Timeskip to Kamino

After a quick trip to Kamino, Commander Glade and I step foot on our home. Fond memories of my training days come back to me as I see clones performing laps in full gear. They should be shipped off soon. I look around and see other troopers walking off of transport ships. They must be here for the Arc Trooper program.

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