No Rest

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Let's just go am I right?

Y/N's POV:

I sit up in my bunk. Hands on my head. My mind replays everything I've been through over and over again on repeat. I can still hear the sounds of blaster fire, the screams of pain, the bombs pounding the ground. The feeling of dread every time I felt stepping off a gunship. Shaking my head I stand up and grab my helmet and make my way outside. Since Survos we've been transferred to Courasant for some time off of the front lines.

Y/N: What am I even doing? I should've gone out with Tank and Jaeger to get some drinks.

I slip my helmet on. It's funny, the voices seem to stop when I have it on. No matter what I've seen through my visor I always feel safer.

Valk: Nice night.

I spin around and my hand lands on my holstered pistols.

Valk: Easy there soldier.

Y/N: Oh General. My apologies.

I straighten out.

Valk: Shouldn't you be with the others celebrating our victory on Survos?

Y/N: I should be. But I just didn't feel like it.

Valk: You don't have to lie to me captain. Have a seat.

She jesters to the bench next to me and I sit down. She sits next to me.

Valk: What's on your mind?

Y/N: I don't see how that matters.

Valk: Think of it as affecting your combat use to the Legion. But I just want to know what's wrong.

I lean my head back against the bench.

Y/N: It's nothing compared to what you went through. But I just...I can't rest with all the screaming in my head. The bombs. Hell I can't even forget how Jet selflessly threw himself on a grenade all for me. It just makes me think, why me? Why am I still alive?

Valk: Well that's simple. You serve a greater purpose than you fully understand.

I look to her and tilt my head.

Valk: You are a born leader Frost. You are still alive because this Legion needs strong leaders like you, and like Glade.

Y/N: The legion has you ma'am.

She looks to the sky. Her newly acquired scars seem to glow in the night.

Valk: Im not as strong as you believe. I'm broken Frost. The things he did to me. I don't believe I'll ever be the same.

I try to comfort her by placing my hand on hers.

Valk: I was alone. Tortured in ways you couldn't imagine. But I knew, I knew you'd come for me eventually. I knew that the legion would survive because of you and Glade.

She turns her head to my helmet.

Valk: He took things from me Frost.

Y/N: I know General. But we got you out of there.

Valk: And I couldn't be more happy. But I'm only here because of the attack you led. Don't ever forget that you have a purpose here.

Y/N: Right.

She closes her eyes and leans her head against the crook of my neck.

Y/N: Err General?

Valk: Just. No talking Frost, please.

I nod and leave her be. Eventually she falls asleep. I relax my body as I gaze into the nights sky. With my free hand I take off my voices. No screams, no gun fire, no explosions. Just the sound of the General's light breathing.

Y/N: Well I'll be.


Oblivion's POV:

I rotate my wrist and wince in pain. Those damn clones got the best of me. They'll come to regret crossing paths me. Especially that damn Arc Trooper. I am going to break him.

Y/N's POV:

I shudder. Something doesn't feel right. And I think I know why.

Y/N: Bring it on you crazy bastard. I'm not scared of you.

And I place my helmet back on and close my eyes and drift off to sleep. Eventually I wake up to the sun rising.

Y/N: Mmm.

Valk: Morning Frost.

I look to my shoulder and find the General looking up at me while smiling.

Y/N: Right, morning.

Valk: You know despite your armor your surprisingly warm and comfortable.

Y/N: I uhm...don't really know how to respond to that.

Valk: I'm sorry.

She sits up and stretches. I stand up and rotate my shoulder popping it.

Valk: We should do that again...on a mission I mean. When we have to sleep in unfavorable conditions. I'm just gonna stop talking.

Y/N: I'll take you up on that.

I turn to leave but she grabs my hand.

Valk: Before I forget your needed on Kamino.

Y/N: For what?

Valk: I don't know, it's a secret project. But I was told to pick one of my best and I instantly thought of you.

Y/N: I'm honored I was on your mind. I'll be on my way then.

I walk away and I can faintly hear the General.

Valk: More than you know.

I walk to a transport ship and inform the pilot of my destination and I'm whisked away back to Kamino. When I get there I can see Havoc drilling incoming Arcs. He might know where I need to go. I make my way to him.

Havoc: Well if it isn't Corporal Frost.

Y/N: Captain now sir.

Havoc: Is that so. I assume your here for project Longevity.

Y/N: What is that?

Havoc: Its supposed to slow down your aging so you can remain a constant reliable soldier as the years go on. We don't know how long this war will last but we need as many good soldiers as we can.

Y/N: So...they just slow down our aging?

Havoc: In a sense yeah. Go report to sub level C.

I nod and jog off. I take an elevator down and step out into a lab. I see a group of other clones selected for the project. The tall Kaminoans start directing everyone to pods to undergo the treatment.

Y/N: Why do I feel like this is going to bite me in the ass?

I step into the pod and it closes. It fills with a green liquid that quickly fills the chamber. I fight my bodies instinct to panic. Eventually the liquid reaches above my head. I hold my breath but in the end run out and my mouth opens. And air rushes in, breathable air. I can feel my body react to the liquid as I close my eyes.

Aaaand scene

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