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Before we get started some stuff I wanna get outta the way. First off this is yet another planet from @EchoSquadron who's been a big help to this story. Second you guys should definitely check their stories if you like Star Wars since this story and his are connected. Or if you like Marvel or Pokémon stories. Not then, let's gooooooo

Y/N's POV:

I stand in our legions cruiser known as Big Red. Minding my own business I make my way to our on board simulation room. When I get there I already see Commander Glade going at it hard. He's training with a purpose. He finishes off his last droid by slamming his boot into its head.

Y/N: That outta teach them sir.

He turns to me and holsters his blasters.

Glade: Well id hope so. What brings you here?

Y/N: General Valk asked me to get ahold of you.

Glade: Right. Where?

Y/N: Her quarters ASAP sir.

Glade: Alright thank you Frost, carry on.

He jogs off and I look at the training simulator and step in. I go over to the control panel and I see a custom option. So I put it and fill out a description of the enemy I want to fight. Once I'm ready I start the simulator. In front of me materializes a very realistic Oblivion.

Y/N: Huh well that's neat.

I draw my rifle and open fire but the bot send the bolts back at me but I roll to my right. Feeling the heat from the saber behind me I kick my leg back and hit the bot in its knee. Using my grapple I pull myself away from the bot. I'm lifted into the air and pulled towards his saber. Somehow I twist my body in the air get behind the bot. Using my grapple I wrap it around the bots neck ending the simulation.

Y/N: Yeah no there's no way that's going to happen.

I walk out and find Tank and Jaeger talking.

Jaeger: Hey Frost can you help us out?

Y/N: Hm?

Tank: Jaeger here is saying we're being sent to Survos, but I remember being told we were going to Courasant.

Jaeger: Yeah do you know?

Y/N: No. I'll ask the General and get back to you on that.

I walk to the General's quarters and pick up on the voices of the commander and her.

Glade: General you know how the order feels about that thing.

Valk: I'm well aware Glade, I just...needed to tell someone and your my most trusted friend.

Glade: I'm glad you consider me to be a friend.

What is she talking about? I knock on her door making my presence known.

Valk: Come In.

I open the door and find Glade and her sitting on her bed.

Y/N: Am I?

Glade: Not at all. Sit.

I nod and sit in her chair.

Valk: Well since your here I thought I'd let you know we're going to Survos. Oblivion is laying siege to the planet under Hutt control.

Y/N: And we're going because?

Glade: They've offered us a deal. They fund the republic while we defend their home, or rather the hutts.

I nod.

Y/N: I'll get the troops ready.

Glade: Sounds like a plan.

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