Earn Your Colors

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Aaaand we're back. So let's just go.

Y/N's POV:

3 hours. 3 long grueling hours of fighting. 3 hard hours of diving into cover. 3 horrible hours of bombs pounding the soil around me. But I'm alive and no worse for wear.

Glade: Alright gather round men.

We stand around Commander Glade as he takes a knee and begins drawing a box of sorts.

Glade: I know your all tired and so am I. But we're soldiers and we must soldier on. We will have one last place to capture and then we're swapping off with the 501st. And then we'll be on a transportation ship for the foreseeable future.

General Valk stands next to him and ignited her lightsaber. She uses it to point out our objective.

Valk: We are being tasked with taking out a droid factory. Once it's taken down the rest of the deployed legions will just have to cut down any and all stragglers.

Tank: Boss?

Valk: Yes trooper?

Tank: I don't suppose we'll be going around back would we?

Glade: That's a negative soldier. The mountains won't allow for us to attack from behind. Instead we'll be attacking from the front, and the right and left flanks. I anticipate heavy resistance from the the frontal assault.

Valk: If you have any problems with the middle speak up now.

I step forward.

Y/N: Permission to take the middle sir?

Glade: Granted. Frost was it?

Y/N: Yes sir.

Jaeger: Permission to take the middle as well?

Glade: Granted. Tank, Jet? You two game?

Tank: I'm always looking to scrap sir.

Jet: We've worked well together so why not.

Glade: Good. Anyone else?

A handful of troopers step forward.

Glade: General ma'am Permission to lead the frontal assault?

Valk: I suppose I'll lead the right flank.

She appoints some random clone to lead the left and we march off with our orders. After awhile the factory comes into view. The grip on my blaster tightens.

Jet: Say Frost how many droids you've knocked off today?

Y/N: Uhh about 20?

Tank: 44.

Jaeger: 6.

Jet: 18. Tell ya what lowest kills has to buy drinks.

Jaeger: I'm a medic can I get I pass?

Y/N: Yeah he needs to focus on his job.

Jet: Fine. Deal?

Y/N: Deal.

Tank: Your on.

Glade: Hault.

We all stop and wait for orders.

Glade: We just got confirmation of no air support. That's fine 607th is no stranger to chaos.

I shudder thinking back on our legions history. Once upon a time they were the greatest legion in the republic. They fought the hardest battles led by general Ragnar. When Ragnar fell so did the legion.

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