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Aaaaaaaand we're back so let's just go

Y/N's POV:

I stand in a gunship with a bay of troopers. Glade and the General are riding in separate gunships. Since my promotion we're now able to spread our forces with strong commanders. Thankfully Jet, Jaeger, and Tank are within my group of troopers under my command.

Tank: Frost what're we even doing here?

Y/N: Well we're investigating reports of a separatist invasion.

Jet: But we just whipped them on Kerell.

Y/N: The senators here have reported seeing large black objects in their sky's and we're being tasked with figuring out what's even going on.

Jaeger: Isn't this the planet where our legion was practically wiped out?

Y/N: That's an affirmative. We really shouldn't even be here but the second something goes wrong for these guys they always call upon the Republic. And we always answer yet they never drop their neutrality.

We land on the woodland planet. Trees practically reaching for the sky. These guys have been living on top of a planet with huge mines underneath them. If they ally with us then we have access to minerals to strengthen our ships outer hull.

Glade: Alright everyone hold your tongues and remember we're here to save these guys not threaten them.

I step out and my platoon of troopers follow out behind me. I look to my right and see the General leading her platoon while Glade leads his own. The rest of the legion is on our cruiser waiting for us to come back. We merge our Platoons as we march into a village. This village is as large as a city. Their buildings look like huts and everything handmade. They obviously don't like technology. One of the elders comes up to us. A Twi'lek woman. I hear one of my troopers whistle and I turn around and point at the ground, the trooper drops and gives me 20.

Y/N: Forgive my men, some of them lack manners.

The elder looks to me and smiles.

Elder: Oh it's not a problem at all.

Her eyes land on our General.

Elder: I remember you, you were with the other Jedi when you first came. What happened to him? We never learned much about your last encounter.

I see the General internally screaming as she smiles at the elder.

Valk: General Ragnar fell in battle upon this planet.

Elder: Oh...my apologies.

She leads us into the village and into a council hall. Valk orders her men to set up a defensive perimeter outside the village while Glade handles the exterior of the hall. The rest of the men are sent out on a scouting party. Glade and I stand at the sides of our General as I feel numerous eyes size me.

Elder: So as you know we've called for assistance.

Valk: That is why we are here.

Councilmen: Your here for our resources.

Elder: Hamil you are speaking out of turn.

Hamil: Forgive me elder Maxum but these Republic dogs are only here for our resources. They don't care about us. For all we know those ships could have been Republic made and this all a scare tactic.

The General goes to speak but I step forward. I make my way to the councilmen known as Hamil. I see him tense up.

Y/N: 23.

Hamil: I beg your pardon.

Y/N: There are 23 different ways I could kill you with one hand. But will I?

At this point I can see his eyes grow wide.

Y/N: No. I won't. You claim we're what was it? Republic Dogs?

Hamil: T-That's because I speak the truth!

I see his eyes dart around as he try's to assert dominance.

Y/N: Tell me. Are you getting brave badmouthing the Republic from your little chair?

Hamil: I-I don't know what your talking about! Those ships are obviously Republic shaped.

Y/N: Do you even know what our ships look like?

Hamil: N-No.

Y/N: Funny. Your shaking.

Hamil: General get your dog under control.

I look back and see Valk clench her jaw. She did not appreciate that.

Valk: He's not my "dog" he is an Arc Trooper and they have quite the freewill.

Y/N: See I think your full of shit. Your looking to cast the blame onto us for something we didn't do.

Hamil: Enough!

He stands up to my level and I whip out my duel pistols and shoot around his feet. He screams like a little kid.

Y/N: See that? Nothing like a little fear to make a paper man crumble.

My comms go off.

Tank: Ambush! Ambush! Fall back fall back!

Y/N: Ambush.

Glade: Damn those bastards are here.

Valk: We'll continue this later. Frost.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

I holster my weapons and turn to see the councilmen on the floor with the slightest smirk on his face. Then I run out and start directing defenses.

Glade: Frost go assist the scouting party I've got this.

Y/N: Yes sir!

I unholster my duel pistols and run into the woods towards the scouting party. Suddenly red fire whizzes past me. I duck under and side step a few shots until I find Tank and Jaeger holding out behind a rock.

Tank: Frost!

I see battle droids flanking and I turn my pistols on them and take them out with well placed shots.

Y/N: Where's Jet?!

Jet: Here sir!

I see Jet behind a log pop up and take out a droid.

Y/N: 607th on me! We are leaving!

We start to push back. Me and Jet provide covering fire. And then a round object lands next to us. Time slows down.

Jet: Grenade!

He pushes me back and I watch in horror as he dives onto it.

Y/N: Jet!

Time catches and the explosion goes off.

Tank: Jet!

Jaeger: Fuck no!

I pull myself up am forced to leave his body behind unless I want to join him. We manage to make it back to the village and our defenses push back the pursuing droids.

Glade: How many?

Y/N: 13.

Glade: We'll retrieve them later...Any worth mentioning?

Y/N: Jet.

Glade:...rest his soul

Aaaaand scene

Forgot to mention but this planet came from @EchoSquadron

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