It ends today

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Whaaat? Update on a non update day? Whaaat? Let's go bois.

Y/N's POV:

I aim my blasters down sights.

Y/N: Your move asshole.

Oblivion just laughs before pointing one blade at me.

Oblivion: I've killed countless Jedi and clones alike. But you 3, oh I've been waiting for this day for awhile.

Glade: You and me both.

Glade fires and I fire along. Oblivion blocks the shots but Valk shields is allowing me and Glade to get behind cover.

Oblivion: Miss me?

Their blades clash. While Oblivion starts to push Valk backwards I look over to Glade.

Glade: Let's go soldier.

I nod and hop over my cover and fire at the Sith Lord. He pushes Valk into Glade and ducks under my shots. I advance forward but he slashes at me and I side step his swing. Before he can use his second blade to stab me Glade tackles him off of the fort and onto the jungle ground.

Valk: Jump!

I run towards the exit and jump off, she uses the force to slow my fall and I arrive in time to witness Glade grab Oblivion's hands and knee the shit out of him. Unfortunately Oblivion headbutts Glade staggering three commander.

Glade: Gah!

I charge in and lower my shoulder. I ram my shoulder into Oblivion's chest and push him back. Valk lands on the ground next to Glade.

Valk: Well this is gonna take some time boys.

The battle on the beach rages behind us. I whip out my pistols.

Y/N: It's over Oblivion! This ends today!

Oblivion: Indeed, but with your corpses dismembered and her as my play thing. As it should be.

Y/N: This ends with your army crushed. Your body in the ground. Dead for real this time.

Oblivion: We'll see.

He charges at us and Glade and I open fire. Valk meets him half way and their blades clash. Sparks fly into the air. I charge in and he pushes Valk away before using his blades to destroy my blasters. Before he can go for the kill Glade shoots at him and then charges in. Glade drops the ground and sweeps Oblivion off of his feet. Oblivion falls back but bounces up and slashes upwards getting Glade.

Y/N: Sir!

I duck under his swing and quickly stand up and uppercut him. He uses the force to throw me backwards.

Oblivion: Your next clone!

He lunges at me and I'm unable to get up in time. But Valk steps in front of me and blocks his strike.

Oblivion: Your still as weak as ever!

He kicks her in the knee and then slashes his blade across her chest. I see sparks fly off her breastplate. She falls backwards and lets go of her sword. So I grab it and quickly slash at Oblivion who barley blocks my attack.

Oblivion: I'm going to enjoy this.

He starts backing me up towards a tree with his attacks but I block them all. But I know he's toying with me. With one final attempt I swing the blade sideways and he hits the sword out of my hand.

Oblivion: This is for Survos.

He stabs my shoulder and it burns like a sun exploded in my shoulder.

Oblivion: Kerell.

He uses the blunt end of his saber and smashes it into my throat. I cough up blood in my helmet but luckily nothing fatal somehow.

Oblivion: The garden.

He lets me go and uses the force to hurl a rock at me. It smashes into me and I fall to the ground. He then stands over me.

Oblivion: Face it clone. I win.

Time seems to stop as memories play through my head. Jet's sacrifice to save me. Tank's last stand. And Jaeger's brutal demise. It's only then I hear voices.

Jet: C'mon Frost get up.

Tank: You can take this guy.

Jaeger: We believe in you.

And one last set of words ring out through my head.

Tank: Never surrender.

I find the strength inside to roll away from oblivion's stab. His blade impales the earth and I quickly kick him away leaving him with one blade.

Oblivion: What!

Y/N: This is for Jet.

I side step his downward strike and punch him across the helmet.

Y/N: For Tank.

I grab his hand and twist it to the side disarming him before I punch him in the throat.

Y/N: For Jaeger.

I grab his head and slam it against a tree repeatedly. He tries to push me away but I catch his hands.

Y/N: This ones for Glade.

I flip him onto the ground and he lands hard.

Y/N: This ones for hurting my general.

I get on top of him and start to pummel the shit out of him. He tries to get up and I quickly put him in a chokehold.

Y/N: And this one is because I'm sick of your shit!

I pull my grappling hook from arm and wrap it around his throat. I pull back and he struggles to breathe. And with one final pull his neck snaps. Oblivion is no more.

Y/N: Do yourself a favor and stay dead this time.

I stand up and turn to see Glade struggling to his feet. He has a large slash mark on his chest but no blood. Bastard was lucky enough to only be grazed.

Glade: Got him?

Y/N: Yes sir.

Glade: Let's make sure shall we?

He walks over and pulls out his secondary blaster and shoots Oblivion several times.

Glade: That's better.

We hear the General shifting and I help her up.

Valk: We did it?

Y/N: Yeah it's over now ma'am.

Glade: I'll leave her care to you, I need to see how our men are doing.

Y/N: Alright copy that sir.

He nods and walks back towards the beach. I feel Valk shake as tears fall from her eyes.

Valk: It's over. He's finally dead.

I hug her and she lays her head against my armor.

Y/N: He can't hurt you anymore.

She looks up to me and grabs one of my hands.

Valk: Y/N. There's something I need to tell you.

Y/N: Yes?

She places my hand on her stomach and smiles up at me.

Valk: Y/N I'm pregnant.

I smile underneath my helmet and lift her into the air. She laughs her beautiful laugh. Nothing can ruin this moment.

Glades POV:

I hold out my holo transmitter.

Chancellor: Commander Glade. Execute order 66.

The Jedi? Traitors? No that's not possible. It can't be. Could it?

Glade: It shall be done sir.

Aaaaand scene

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