Fight on

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Ayyyyye ''tis time for yet another chapter so let's get a move on. Also I'd like to say sum, y'all should go read my boy @EchoSquadron book, it's got a good plot and is fun to read.

Y/N's POV:

I sit by the mouth of the cave fiddling with my comms. It's got a weak signal but I'm sure with some ingenuity I can make it work.

Y/N: Blast this crappy signal.

I smack my portable com station and for a moment I can make out a signal word.

???: Help!

And the signal cuts off.

Y/N: They don't sound like clones.

I walk back into the cave.

Valk: Any luck?

Y/N: None ma'am. But I did get a signal asking for help.

Valk: Do you know where?

Y/N: I had my antenna facing south so somewhere in that direction.

She rises up slowly and gritting her teeth.

Valk: We have to go and help them.

Y/N: Ma'am in your condition-

Valk: That's an order Frost.

Y/N: Copy that.

I walk over to Commander Glade and hoist him onto my shoulders like they trained us to do on Kamino.

Glade: I'm fine.

Y/N: Sir with all to respect and mind my language. But you are really fucked up.

Glade: Yeah well I can feel that.

Valk: All set?

I nod and she wraps her arm around my waist for support as we move out of the cave.

Glade: Where to?

Y/N: South. I think a village needs us.

Glade: Roger.

We set off slowly through the jungle that surrounds us. Thick purple and blue vines surround us as we move forward.

Valk: Any idea how much further?

Y/N: Maybe a click or two ahead? I dunno the signal was weak.

She nods and we trudge on. The air becomes harder to breathe as I support the full weight of my brother and the weight of the General. After what feels like forever we come to a dirt path.

Glade: Village trail. See those marks?

I look down and see inhuman shapes in the soil.

Glade: Those are clanker foot prints. We're close.

I push on until we come a few hundred feet away from the village. Droids are all over the place but there isn't many.

Valk: There it is. How do we do this?

I study the area and come up with a plan. I set Glade down on an elevated surface with a good line of sight.

Y/N: Sir you can help by shooting from here.

Glade: Alright I can see where this is going.

Valk: And me?

Y/N: Try not to just hit their shots back at them.

She nods.

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