The long road

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Whaaaat? Is it update day?!

Y/N's POV:

I stand at the mouth of the jungle with my team. I like to consider us the original of the current Red Legion. Me, Jaeger, Glade, and Valk. The four of us stand at the mouth of the jungle ready to go back into the hell hole.

Valk: Alright let's get a move on boys

Glade: You heard the boss let's move!

Y/N: Yes sir!

Jaeger: Yes sir!

And so we walk into the dark jungle. The sound of insects roar in the surrounding brush. Thick vines block our path but Valk makes short work of the vines. Our objective is to secure an enemy stronghold to allow us to push to the beach of Kashyyyk.

Glade: Hold.

We all drop to our knees and start watching the jungle carefully.

Glade: We're being followed.

He quickly turns around and shoots into the branches of a tree. Seconds later a dead droid scout drops from the tree.

Y/N: Nice shot.

Glade: Thanks.

We walk up to the metal body and I start to search it. It has virtually nothing of use. And then we get ready to get back on the move. We marched through the jungle at a decent pace until we come to the perimeter of an enemy stronghold.

Valk: There it is boys.

We crouch down and Glade passes me a pair of binoculars which I press against my helmet.

Y/N: Okay looks like we have 2 machine gun nests about 25 yards from the entrance. Looks like 4 sniper towers with teams of two. Hmm let's see...I count 2 squads of regular battle droids. I expect heavier duty droids inside the stronghold.

Jaeger: So how're we doing this?

Me and Glade look at each other as we start drawing a map in the mud.

Y/N: Okay here's what I got.

Glade: Go ahead.

Y/N: Okay our first objective is to get rid of the snipers. We can't risk being seen and having a crew of MG's tearing us apart. So Commander I think you and I should go and deal with the two closets towers and from there drop the two other towers with explosives to begin the assault. While enemy fire is focused on us the General and Jaeger will push in from here and dispose of the MG's after that it's just shooting fish in a barrel.

Glade: Right I can see that working. Let's go then.

Jaeger: Good luck sir, Frost.

Valk: Do try not to die yeah?

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

And with that Glade and I start crawling through the thick brush. We manage to make it to the base of the sniper towers and start climbing up the towers. I reach the top and immediately snap a droids head clean off before wrapping my grappling hook around the other droids neck and ripping it clean off.

Glade: Ready.

I nod as I throw a grenade at the opposite sniper tower blowing it sky high. And then the whole camp turns on us as a tidal wave of red fire flies at us.

Jaeger: Moving.

I prop myself up and use my duel blasters to fire down into the crowd of droids. One shot slams into
my chest but I was saved by the tactical hard case that took most of the damage. I fall on my back and then the tower falls to the ground and I'm suddenly surrounded by metal fucks.

Valk: Frost! Are you okay?!

Y/N: Yeah, grah fuck!

Glade: Sit tight I'm on my way.

I roll over and blast 3 droids in the head before getting onto one knee and blasting 2 more that try and take advantage of my situation.

Jaeger: MG's clear!

And now we have the droids surrounded. As I go to stand a blast slams me into the ground and my ears begin to ring.

Valk: Frost!

I begin to fade in and out of consciousness as the fight goes on and in the ringing of my ears I somehow hear my team.

Glade: We're pinned we can't get to him!

Jaeger: We can't leave him!

I pull myself up and I see my team pinned down with an advancing droid death squadron. Must've been the reinforcements that were inside. I need to make some noise.

Valk: He's okay!

I look around and see a rocket launcher on the ground and pick it up. Balancing the launcher on my shoulder I talk into my comms.

Y/N: Go! Get out of here! I'll buy you some time!

Glade: Frost what do you think your doing?!

I aim down the sights at the droids who are yet to notice me.

Valk: No Frost don't do it!

Y/N: ...never surrender.

I fire the launcher and it slams into the droids causing them to quickly turn their attention on me and I duck behind cover and start shooting back with my blasters.

Glade: We have to go now!

Valk: No we can't leave him!

Glade: He made his choice.

Jaeger: Damnit!

I watch as Glade throws Valk onto his shoulders before looking back at me and nodding.

Glade: I'll see you on the other side.

And just like that they run into the jungle while I continue to keep the droids distracted. My hands start to cramp up as I continue to squeeze the trigger fighting back the seemingly endless horde of red fire. Eventually I run out of ammo and I start to look around for anything to use. But then a grenade lands next to me and I throw it back. The grenade goes off a few feet from me and I fall backwards. The ground tumbled as metal hits the ground.

Y/N: Fuck...

And then the army stops in its tracks. I lift my head up and see that I am surrounded but they've stopped. Suddenly a figure emerges through the crowd of droids. Hate fills my body as I instantly recognize the armor and the red lightsaber drawn.

Oblivion: Hello Frost.

Aaaaand scene

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