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Leeeets goooooooo

Y/N's POV:

Y/N: I'm sorry what?

Dak: Yeah, whatever this is. Is over.

He reaches for her hand but she steps back next to me.

Valk: Dak I have no idea what your talking about.

Oh so his names Dak.....what kinda name is Dak?

Dak: Don't tell me you don't remember. Our parents decided we'd be perfect for each other and would produce strong off spring.

Y/N: Okay I think it's time you fucked off.

He gets in face and our helmets press against each other's.

Dak: And it's about time you kept your nose out of Mandalorian business.

He jams his finger against my chest piece.

Valk: Dak you need to stop.

He then turns on her and grabs her hand.

Dak: We're leaving.

I instantly grab his wrist and hold it steady while I slam my elbow into the side of his helmet. He stumbles back and I step in front of Valk.

Y/N: She told you to stop. And if I were you I would.

Dak: Too bad your not.

He sprints towards me and chops my throat bringing me to my knees. He then gets behind me and puts me in a chokehold.

Dak: Pathetic. Valkyrie you have horrible taste in men. He can't even hold his own in a fight.

Valk: I wouldn't be too sure about that.

I grab his arm and start to push it off of my neck and manage to completely push it to the side.

Y/N: Get off!

I get up and he uppercuts me causing my helmet to fly off. At this point we've already attracted a crowd.

Dak: Your a Clone!

I see people judging me from behind their helmets.

Dak: Whatever this

He points to us.

Dak: Is over. Your not even Mandalorian! Your a Republic dog!

Republic dog...not the first time I've heard that.

Valk hands me back the helmet and I place it on. She then holds my hand much to the dissatisfaction of the crowd.

Valk: I have chosen the person I want to be with.

Dak: Yet you are mine.

He turns to the crowd.

Dak: We have an arranged marriage yet she is cheating on me with another not a man a clone. There relationship is null and void.

The crowd agrees with him.

Valk: Give it up Dak nothing you can do will change my mind.

Dak: But you know the punishment he faces right?

Valk: N-No?

Dak: He is to have a trial by fire and combat.

Y/N: What the hells that mean?

Dak: You have transgressed against our people, our customs, and have the nerve to wear our armor. Your lucky we don't just kill you.

A group of black and red Mandalorians step up. (Imagine Daks armor but just color swapped)

Dak: Come quietly or we'll have to force you.

Y/N: And where the hell are you taking me?

Dak: To the arena of course.

I turn to Valk and she press her helmet against mine.

Valk: Listen here Frost. Whatever they throw at you I need you to be strong I'm sorry this is happening.

I wrap my arms around her waist.

Y/N: Well I've been through worse and always came out on top haven't I?

Valk: That's right. Make sure you come back to me in one piece.

I nod my head and I get pulled away from her. I'm lead through the streets towards this coliseum of sorts. When I get inside I'm thrown into a cage. Dak stands outside my cage.

Dak: Should've kept your mouth shut and stayed away from my woman.

Y/N: She's her own being capable of making her own choices. You don't own her. And besides

I stand up and face him.

Y/N: I woulda kicked your ass the first time around in clone armor.

This obviously pisses him off as even the thought of my clone armor being any way better than his, was revolting.

Dak: Watch your tongue before I cut it from your head. This is how your trial by fire is going to work. You will face off against one of the beasts chosen by the crowd. If you die you die. If you live you move on to fight to the death with another gladiator. After that your free.

Y/N: Then you'd better start counting how many days you have to live. Cuz when I get out I will find you. And I will kill you.

Dak: Not likely clone.

He turns and leaves me by myself. I plop down onto the floor and start taking inventory of my supplies.

Y/N: 2 duel pistols nothing I'm not unfamiliar with. Some thermal grenades. Jet pack with rocket on the end. Wrist mounted flame thrower. A wrist mounted grapple. And some armor in need of a cleaning. Not too bad not too bad.

I start rummaging around and find a rag along with a sink. I then take it upon myself to clean the armor.

Y/N: Hopefully I can return this in near perfect condition. As good as it is I still miss my regular armor.

I go ahead and finish cleaning the armor and put it back on. This guy messed with the wrong Arc Trooper. I look around my cell and start gathering materials.

Y/N: No reason why I shouldn't show up to a fight un prepared.

Aaaaand scene sorry this chapter was a bit short buuuuut I am introducing an audience vote. You guys will get to decide who y'all wanna fight in the arena.

The Rancor

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