Are you not entertained?

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So with the votes from yesterday it has come out as a draw. Although the Rancor had one more vote than the Acklay I had personally voted for the Acklay thus making it a tie. So what will we do about it? Fuck it let's fight both of the fuckers.

Valk's POV:

I sit in the stands of the arena alone. The crowd that showed up for today's event alienated me from them.  But that's fine with me.

Y/N's POV:

I stand behind some gate staring out into the arena. I scan the area with my eyes and my eyes land on a certain blue cape.

Y/N: Time to put on a show.

Valk's POV:

The arena began to shake as the beasts were awoken.

Dak: Figured I find you here.

I turn to my left and see him standing there.

Valk: What do you want? To throw me into that arena as well?

Dak: No. No I'm here to give you a choice. Leave him.

Valk: Excuse me?

Dak: Leave him right here and now in front of everyone and I will have him spared from the beasts.

I could save Frost from death if I agree to his terms.

Dak: Or. You can watch him die a painful death as he's ripped to shreds. Either way I win.

Valk: And how exactly do you win?

Dak: Well you obviously fulfill your role and become my bride.

Y/N's POV:

The gate rises and step out into the arena. The floor is pure dirt and sand. But it's still practically flat. No where to really gain the high ground except for floating in the air.

Valk's POV:

I see Frost step out into the arena. The crowd boos him and he stands there undeterred. I can tell he's scanning the place trying to figure out what he has to work with.

Valk: No. I won't leave him.

Dak: Hmm then I guess you'll watch him die horribly.

Valk: I doubt it. You haven't seen what exactly he's capable of.

Dak: But how would he feel if he saw his love with another man?

Valk: I don't see any other men here. Just boys in armor.

Dak: Hm that so.

He sits next to me and puts his arm around my waist. My mind races back to my captivity on Survos and I try to pry him off of me.

Dak: Stop it. Hold still and your precious dog won't die.

Valk: Get off of me!

Dak nods his head to the edge of the arena where a man with a pulse rifle lays on his stomach.

Dak: If you do not do as I say, he will pull the trigger ending that bastards life.

Y/N's POV:

I look around and I see Valk and Dak together. Even though her helmet hides her face I can tell she's extremely uncomfortable.

Y/N: Damnit.

The gate across from me starts to open and the crowd goes quite. A man runs out.

Man: Run!

He's quickly impaled by something and dragged back into the dark. His screams echo off the arena walls as I cringe while hearing the sounds of flesh being torn. The ground shakes as two hulking beasts exit from the tunnel across from me.

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