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Okay okay warning!
This chapter contains disturbing content if you do not feel comfortable with that then I recommend skipping. Anyway let's go!

Y/N's POV:

I don't remember much of what happened yesterday. My memories a little fuzzy but I know I'm in deep shit. Looking around I see that I'm in a cell of sorts. The walls are dirt yet solid as steel. The bars of my cell appear to be some type of laser.

Y/N: My chest.

I place my hand on my chest and wince in pain. Must've been hit during the firefight. The sounds of boots and metal hitting the ground fill the hallway. Eventually I hear the sounds of dragging and then my cell opens. I look up to see Oblivion and two clankers behind him with a prisoner in their hands.

Oblivion: I see your awake.

Y/N: I see your not dead yet.

My words laced with all the venom I could muster in my weakened and tired state.

Oblivion: I see you aren't dead yet either. Despite my efforts.

He nods to the clankers and they throw the prisoner in with me. I glance at this armor and notice he's apart of the clones under General Yoda's command. But I see he isn't breathing. I press my fingers to his neck and find no pulse.

Oblivion: You see clone.

The word clone was laced with malice.

Oblivion: I have grown tired of you being a thorn in my side. So I've elected to deal with you. Much worse than your bitch of a General.

I shoot up to my feet and charge the man in a fit of a rage. But I'm lifted off the ground by an invisible force. My lungs collapse and I can no longer breathe. I'm then thrown against the wall.

Oblivion: Struck a nerve? I'll make sure you can see her before your death. She'll be on her knees just like before. And you'll watch.

Y/N: I'm going to kill you. Do you understand?

Oblivion: You'll only wish you were dead.

He then leaves me with the body and I rest my head against the wall. My stomach growls as the hours pass. My cell is then opened and there are 4 armed droids standing there. Before I can even protest they grab my by the arms and legs and lift me off of the ground. Their metal hands crushing my body as they walk. They bring me into a room that has a surgical table.

Y/N: Ah fucking shit.

They throw me down onto the table and strap me down. I look up to the ceiling as a droplet of water falls down onto my forehead. And then in walks Oblivion.

Oblivion: Hello Frost.

Y/N: Oh fuck off. What do you want?

Another water droplet falls onto my forehead.

Oblivion: Your going to answer my questions. Or I'm going to pry them out of you.

On a nearby table is an assortment of tools. Another water droplet falls.

Y/N: You think I'll tell you anything?

Oblivion: I was hoping you'd say something along those lines.

Another water droplet falls.

Oblivion: I know you arcs went through some anti interrogation courses. Unfortunately for you.

He holds up what I assume to be a drill of sorts. Another water droplet falls.

Y/N: You think I'm scared of you don't you?

Oblivion: You will be.

He walks up to me and turns the drill on.

Oblivion: Where is your base?

Y/N: Up your ass.

He presses the drill against my thigh and it starts to rip through my armor and penetrate my skin. I hold back my screams as I stare him in the eye.

Oblivion: I'll ask again. Where is your base?

Y/N: Up your ass around the corner.

He starts the drag the drill up creating a deep gash in my thigh.

Oblivion: One more time.

He turns the drill off and grabs a new tool. Seems to be pliers of some sort.

Oblivion: Where is your base damnit?!

Y/N: Fuck you!

He places the pliers on my pinky and twist it the side breaking it.

Y/N: Mother fucker!

A water droplet falls on my forehead once again.

Oblivion: It's no matter. You see we know exactly where your base is. We've had it surrounded for days now.

Y/N: Ah go fuck yourself.

He quickly chokes me out with the force forcing me to shut up. He then walks over to me with a cloth and water.

Oblivion: How long can the average clone go without breathing?

He places the cloth over my mouth and nose and pours water on it. I'm no longer able to breathe as the sensation of drowning takes place. My body shakes as I try to get the cloth off of me.

Oblivion: I suppose that's all for today.

I blackout and wake up back in my cell. My stomach growls as my nose is filled with a horrible stench. In my cell is a the dead clone from earlier. His body beginning to rot.

Y/N: How long?

I look at the body and feel my face. There's some facial hair so that means I haven't shaved. My hair is longer so I've been in here for awhile. My throat hurts from dehydration. My stomach growls with hunger.

Y/N: I'm still alive. That bodies rotting. It's hot in here. Must be 2 weeks by now. But how am I alive?

Body: You lived off of me.

I jump as the body moves and sits up slowly. It's face is gnawed off and there are several bites on it.

Body: You drank my blood to sustain yourself.

It stands up and my head begins to hurt.

Body: You need to wake up!

It charges me and I take a sharp breath as I wake up. I'm in a chair of sorts. My head hurts from the constant water dropping down onto me.

Oblivion: Oh good your back.

I look around me and see I'm in a dimly lit room. Oblivion walks towards me. With a wire in his hands.

Oblivion: I'm surprised you've held out for this long.

Y/N: And how long is that?

I feel a sharp pain as he whips my chest with the wire which upon further inspection has multiple razors on them.

Y/N: That all you got?

He slashes it across my face which leaves a deep gash under my eye.

Y/N: Fuck you!

Oblivion: No. I don't think I will. But she will.

Y/N: Wait what?

I look around and see some alien of sorts with chains on it looking at me hungrily.

Y/N: No no. Keep that thing away from me!

Oblivion: I don't remember asking.

And he walks out.


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