New Orders

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Ayyye so I'd like to quickly thank @EchoSquadron for the help with this story and an arc that hopefully I can write into an awesome story. So let's get a move on shall we?

Y/N's POV:

I stand at attention as Commander Glade inspects his men. Once he's satisfied with our formation he nods to General Valk who stands a few feet away from me and Jet.

Valk: Alright I'll keep it simple. We are to head to the planet known as Kerell. Our goal is to sway the neutral planet to support the Republic. There are reports of separatists on the planet with the same mission in mind. The 607th will be tasked with going to the planets capital and if need be, push back the separatists. That is all.

Glade: Alright you heard her men get to the drop ships on the double. Move!

We salute and begin to move towards the ships when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

Glade: Frost.

Y/N: Yes sir.

Glade: I want you to know that I chose you to be my corporal for your actions on Geonosis. Especially in the droid factory. Do not disappoint me soldier.

Y/N: Yes sir.

Glade: Get a move on then.

I nod and jog onto a ship and stand next to Jet.

Jet: Hey Frost do you think we might see some action?

Y/N: I don't know...but I do know we have to be on our toes. There is a vast diversity of sentient species on the planet. Twi'leks to Rancors. Droids to Wookiees.

Jet: Twi'leks? What like the dancers?

Y/N: Unfortunately for their species they're sought after for...reasons.

Jet: Ahh got it.

The rest of the ride went smoothly. We land on a platform and start filing out.

Valk: Corporal Frost.

I stop and turn around to face the General.

Y/N: Yes ma'am?

Valk: Do you know why your here?

Y/N: To push the back the separatists.

Valk: Partially. While we are here chancellor Palpetine will be in the capital to negotiate Kerell's neutrality. The 309th was tasked with guarding him but had a change in directives. Our new directive is to the defend the council hall at all costs.

Y/N: So I take it we will be setting up multiple blockades ma'am?

Valk: You will. Glade talked highly of you, I want to see what he meant. You'll be stationed the farthest from back up with a squad of your choice. Do not let me down Frost.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

I salute and round up Jet, Jaeger, and Tank. Afterwards we head to the south side of the capital which neighbors a rather rough city.

Tank: We land on one of the prettiest planets and get stuck out here?

Y/N: Think of it as earning your own colors if the separatists attack.

Jet: Frost I think those cantina girls are checking us out.

Jaeger: I would not recommend engaging in any contact with them.

Tank: But what if I want to.

Jaeger: Then you'll probably be unable to pee without a burning sensation.

Y/N: Oh gross Jaeger.

Jaeger: It's my job to make sure your all as healthy as possible.

Jet: Well I'm sure we could do without the health class Jaeger.

We go on to talk for hours on end doing our best to pass the time. Looking around this planet gives me some serious Corusant meets Naboo vibes.

Tank: So Frost.

Y/N: Hm?

Tank: Now that your more or less a higher up, do you get to spend a lot of time with the General?

Y/N: No, I'm on a need to know basis and mostly get my information from Commander Glade. Why?

Tank: Nothing just wanted to know your view on her. She's hard to read.

Y/N: Do you want my honest opinion or a proper response?

Jet: Let's here proper before Jaeger makes you wash your mouth with soap.

Y/N: I think the General is tactical genius.

Tank: Oh that's bull we've only done one mission with her. What's your honest opinion.

Y/N: I think that she wouldn't care if we were to be shot down and only sees us all as walking meat shields. Except for Commander Glade, she seems to trust him a lot.

Jaeger: Well lets hope we don't end up dead.

I nod and scan the area with my eyes. Everything's the same. Same people walking in and out of a cantina. Same Twi'leks giving us the elevator eyes. Same droids on the rooftops with binoculars...wait a minute.

Frost: Get ready.

They look at each other and shrug before taking up arms.

Jet: See something?

I lock eyes with the droid and they get up and take off away from us.

Y/N: We might be getting some company. Jaeger inform Commander Glade. Jet I want to check defenses. Tank I want you dig small little fox holes. Jaeger you join him once the call is done. Move it!

They all start to do what I told them and I take it upon myself to go around and usher civilians away from the area before returning.

Jaeger: Frost Glade says to get ready to hold and to inform him if anything does happen. They cannot afford to panic the senators and what not.

Jet: Defenses all set sir!

I look and see he's moved traps and cover around that'll aid us in the fight to come.

Tank: Foxholes complete sir.

Y/N: Good work. Oh and guys just call me Frost, still one of you. These colors and rank don't change that.

They nod as they take defensive positions. I take a knee behind crate and watch the streets carefully. I look to the ground and see some pebbles start to shake.

Y/N: They're coming get ready boys.

Tank: I'll be damned if they think they can get past us.

Jet: I'd hate for my defenses to go un used.

Jaeger: Are we all doing one liners?

Y/N: Coming soon to a galaxy near you.

And then we see them. Dark droids that stand taller and bulkier than regular clankers. Super Droids.

They come into range and I aim in

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They come into range and I aim in.

Y/N: Don't give them an inch!

I fire my blaster and the firefight begins.

Aaaaaand scene my guys

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