Finish the fight

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Aaaand were back

Y/N's POV:

I duck under Oblivion's swing and ram my knee into his gut. I'm pushed back by an unseeable force.

Oblivion: I see they make them extra annoying these days.

I raise my blaster but he cuts it in half. I throw my cut in half blaster at him as I use my grapple to get the high ground. He throws me off of my high ground with the force and I land hard on my back. Before I can get up I feel a weight on my chest and I see him holding me down with his boot.

Oblivion: You clones always were so pathetic. Why serve the Republic? Your all just slaves.

Valk: Hang On Frost I'm almost there.

Need to stall.

Y/N: Oh yeah? Then what do you propose?

Oblivion: That you die quietly.

I fire my grapple at his face and he moves aside.

Oblivion: You missed.

He raises his blade to kill me.

Y/N: I wasn't aiming for you.

I yank my arm back and the crates that my grapple hooked on to, crash into Oblivion. I manage to get out and pull out my duel pistols and wait. He lunges out from the boxes and I roll to the side and fire back at him. He blocks my shots and gets close. I holster my guns and grab his hand and his tricep just like what Colt did to to me, I flip him onto his back.

Y/N: How's that for pathetic?

I draw my pistols and as I'm about to take the shot I'm lifted off the ground and my lungs collapse on me. He's choking me.

Oblivion: You've made a mockery of me for far too long.

He picks up his blade and holds it straight out and pulls me towards it. Right as I'm about to make contact with the blade a rain of blue fire crashes down onto him thus dropping me. Looking up I see 2 drop ships and from the left one I see General Valk jump down next to me and taking a defensive position over me.

Valk: Glad to see we made it in time.

Y/N: Thanks General.

I stand up and pick up my two pistols from the ground. Oblivion and Valk have an intense stare down. I see the General is shaking ever so slightly.

Oblivion: Hahah still scared of me. You should be.

Valk: I do not fear you no matter the atrocities you've committed.

Oblivion: Your master said he wasn't scared either. And where did that lead him?

I see her blade shake a little. He must've struck a nerve. He's getting in her head.

Y/N: Can it.

I fire at him breaking the stand off. He's caught by surprise as he blocks one shot but the other slips past him and hits his helmet. But it doesn't even look like I hurt the bastard.

Oblivion: Your going to regret that.

Y/N: We've got you outnumbered.

Oblivion: Grrr this isn't over clone.

He pulls something from behind him and throws it down. A cloud of smoke erupts where he stood and just like that he was gone. I see the General ease up as she puts her saber to her side.

Valk: Good work Frost. You held out long enough for us to get here.

Y/N: Just doing what I was trained to do. How'd our defenses do?

Valk: Commander Glade managed to hold them back. The civilians are okay and we suffered minimal casualties due to our small units taking out key targets.

Y/N: Good to hear.

I holster my weapons as we step onto the dropships. We arrive back to base and I step out and see a sea of destroyed droids and artillery craters a few clicks away.

Y/N: Looks like I missed all the fun.

Glade: Hardly. We heard you ran into the Sith.

Y/N: Yeah bastard's too arrogant. The General got to me in time though.

Glade: Yeah I heard her frantic pleading for you to be okay.

Y/N: How?

Glade: Private comm channel. Let's get you some rest soldier.

Y/N: Gladly.

I've earned my downtime as I sit alone by some reflective lake. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around and it's the little kid from the village I was at after my crash.

Y/N: Hey kid.

Irene: Hi.

She sits next to me and looks up at my armor.

Irene: Your covered in dirt.

Y/N: Yeah. I guess I am. How has the village been treating you?

Irene: Not so good. It's a belief that you can only be taken care of by your family and if there gone. Your on your own.

I pat her head.

Y/N: Chin up kid. You'll make it.

She smiles and walks away.

Valk: Well aren't you good with kids?

I look over my shoulder and see General Valk standing behind me with a smug look on her face. She sits next to me.

Valk: They teach you that on Kamino?

Y/N: No ma'am. Just feel bad for the kid is all.

Valk: It's fine no need to be ashamed, it's commendable.

Y/N: Right. Thank you for you know saving me earlier.

Valk: Well you've done a lot for this Legion. Got me and Glade back to base. Went through Arc training. And planned the capitals defense. saved me back there with Oblivion.

Y/N: I did?

Valk: My knees were shaking, my hands grew clammy, my heart raced. I was on the verge of a breakdown. But your boldness of shooting at him broke me out of my trance. Reminded me that he is beatable.

Y/N: I was just doing my job ma'am. My loyalty is to this legion. My heart to my brothers. My mind to my General. We are just cogs in a bigger machine. If we do our part and function properly the machine will work properly.

She smiles and nods and gets up.

Valk: Frost do you know about how the 3 highest ranks work in our Legion?

Y/N: General, Commander, Captain.

Valk: Good. Can you tell me who our Captain is?

Y/N: We don't have one. Last one was KIA on geonosis.

Valk: We do now. See you later, Captain Frost.

And with that she walks away. A new weight is placed on my shoulders as I close my fist.

Y/N: Alright...lets do this.

Aaaand scene

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