Operation Snatch

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Whaaaaaat update on non update day? Whaaaaaaat? Let's just go my boys!

Jaeger's POV:

The General, Commander, and I run through the jungle back towards base. Frost bought us some time to get away. My heart aches at the thought of leaving a brother behind. But deep down I know he's going to make it to the other side somehow.

We make it back to base and the General immediately gathers everyone. And when I mean everyone, I mean the entire Red Legion. I take my seat in the briefing room when the Commander calls me over.

Jaeger: Sir?

Glade: Don't take a seat soldier. We're going to be standing with the General during her announcement.

Jaeger: Got it.

I stand with the Commander and the General.

Valk: Glade do me a favor and get everyone's attention.

Glade: On it.

Glade walks up to the podium and clears his throat.

Glade: Shut up and sit down. The General has something important to say and you'd better listen. If I catch any of you spacing off there will be hell to pay. Understood?

Red Legion: Sir yes sir!

Everyone takes a seat and the General walks up to the podium. Everyone's eyes are drawn to her.

Valk: Today while on a reconnaissance mission Captain Frost was WIA. We were unable to get to him as we were pinned by enemy fire. Captain Frost-

I see her take a minute to breathe before continuing.

Valk: Captain Frost sacrificed himself to allow us to escape.

The air becomes heavy, almost crushing. There's murmurs of disbelief in the room.

Valk: But. I can feel him, even now I can feel he's still alive. And we need to get him back.

The room remains dead quite.

Glade: May I?

Valk steps down and Glade takes the stand.

Glade: What we are proposing is a rescue operation. You all have a role to play.

Yet again the room is dead quite. No one wants to believe he's gone.

Glade: How many of you have seen Frost in action?

Everyone raises their hands.

Glade: How many of you are alive because of him?

Everyone keeps theirs hands in the air.

Glade: He is the most selfless soldier I've met. He doesn't know surrender. He's always thrown himself into enemy fire to save as many of us as possible. It's time we repay him.

The rooms comes alive with a buzz of sorts.

Glade: He needs us more than ever. Who's with me?

Everyone shoots to their feet.

Glade: Alright. Let's go get our brother back.

1 week later

We've managed to intercept enemy transmissions. Much to our dismay we learned Oblivion survived the battle of the Garden.

2 weeks later

While monitoring enemy chatter we learned that a red Arc Trooper was taken prisoner. The General is very pleased to know he's still alive.

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