A rat

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Aaaaand we're back. Let's have a moment of silence for good old Jet.

Okay moving on.

Y/N's POV:

I march through the woods of Tamuta trying to find the droids stronghold.

Tank: Frost.

Y/N: Yeah?

Tank: I've been thinking.

Jaeger: Uh-oh Tank never thinks.

Tank: Oh can it Jaeger. My question is how in the bloody hell did the separatist set up a base of operations here? Doesn't that usually take some time?

Y/N: My thoughts exactly actually. They must've been here for awhile to be able to launch an ambush like that.

Jaeger: How do you think they pulled that off?

My grip tightens on my blaster rifle.

Y/N: I've got a few ideas...namely a corrupt councilmen.

Valk: Team 3 report.

Y/N: Team 3 copy. We have nothing on our end.

Valk: Noted. Team 2?

Glade: Team 2 here. We've got something. Looks like a compound with a few turret nests set up.

Valk: Send coordinates.

Glade: Right away.

The comms go quite and suddenly I get an update on my wrist. I look down and see a dot southeast of my current location.

Y/N: Alright men lets get a move on.

I lead my 25 man team through the brush as we link up with team 2.

Glade: Captain Frost any word from the general?

Y/N: No. why?

Glade: She's been more inclined to tell you things than me.

Y/N: Haven't noticed.

I look to my left as I see Team 1 come out from the brush and we all lay on our stomachs as we watch the compound. Me, Glade, and Valk crawl behind some bush and take a knee.

Valk: Alright am I the only one concerned about how the separatists managed to set up a base that's full operational?

Glade: I have a bad feeling about this ma'am.

Y/N: I agree. On Kamino we learned that it takes at least 3 weeks for them to get set up.

Valk: Yeah something isn't right.

Y/N: I think they have inside help. Hamin seemed rather shady and quick to blame us.

Valk: We'll deal with that problem afterwards.

Glade: I say we wait till nightfall.

Y/N: I second that.

So we wait. Glade and I devise a plan to use our sharpshooters to their full extent. We set them up in trees while the rest of the attack force crawls through the grass and foliage till we're a good 150 yards away.

Glade: We all ready?

Y/N: Team 3 ready.

Valk: Team 1 in position.

Y/N: Alright gents take the first shot.

A burst of blue fire fly's from the trees.

Y/N: Team 3 advance!

Tank: I been waiting for this.

We pop up from our prone positions and race forward. I unholster my duel pistols and open fire. A red bolt streaks towards my face but I move my head out of the way and keep pushing.

Glade: Team 2 now!

I see spheres being hurled at the entrenched droids and explosions rip through their ranks.

Valk: Team 1 is in.

Our whole plan was to draw attention to the front of the compound and allow for team 1 to scale the walls and now we're going to surround the enemy.

Jaeger: Tank on your left!

Tank: I got 'em!

I see Tank rio through some regular battle droids and Jaeger is tending to one of our wounded. I lose focus and I'm hit in my stomach by a metallic force. I look up to see a commando droid. It kicks my guns away from me. It levels it's blaster with my chest and I move it to the side and slam the droids head into the ground. Another commando comes up to me with a weird sword thing. I side step it's stab and pull my grapple. I get behind it and use the grapple as a garrote wire and manage to rip its head off.

Valk: All clear.

I look up and see the General dispatch the last super droid.

Glade: All clear on my end.

I turn and see him casually throw a droid head behind his back as he holsters his pistol.

Y/N: Lets search this place for data.

Me and Glade go into the main building and find a bunch of computers. Deciding to split off we check each of the computers. My eyes catch something interesting.

Y/N: Sir I got something.

He walks over.

Glade: What've you got?

Y/N: A wired credit account. Looks like they've been transferring credits to a mr....hamin.

Glade: Well there's the smoking blaster. What do you suppose we do?

Y/N: Well...he technically attacked us. We could lock him up and throw away the key.

Glade: I like it. Let's get a move on.

I nod my head as we round up our troops and start heading back to the village.

Valk: So what did you find?

Y/N: A wired credit account leading to our dearest friend Hamlin.

Valk: Hmm. So it was him afterall.

We arrive at the village and everyone crowds around us.

Villager: Well? Did you get them?

Valk: Thanks to the actions and sacrifices of the 607th legion you are now free of separatist threat. And we found something disturbing about your dear council member.

I look around and I see Hamlin's face pale.

Y/N: Yeah we found a wired credit account leading to councilmen Hamlin.

Everyone turns to him.

Hamlin: W-What no I would never!

I walk towards him with Jaeger and Tank at my sides.

Y/N: Cuff him.

Tank: Alright hold still you.

He turns to try and run and I let him get a few feet away before firing it my grapple onto a branch above him and yank it down. He runs into it and falls on his ass.

Valk: Good aim Captain.

Y/N: Just doing my job.

We take him onto a gunship and leave the planet heading back to our cruiser. It was a silent ride back and it gave me time to think. But my head kept going back to one thing over and over. Jet. Poor bastard, he was a good soldier. If it weren't for him I wouldn't be here. I'll make sure his death and the death of all my brothers doesn't go in vain.

Aaaaand scene

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