Hell hath no furry

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Before we get into it a moment of silence for Tank.

Okay let's go

Y/N's POV:

I sit in the Generals fort alone, it's been 2 hours since we successfully drove back the insurgents.

Jaeger: Frost?

I look up and see Jaeger leaning against a wall.

Jaeger: Do you think this war will end one day?

Y/N: It has to end eventually. One day this blood shed will end.

Jaeger: Do you think we'll live to see it?

His question catches me off guard a little.

Y/N: I don't know if I'm being honest. But as long as we look out for each other we'll make it out of this war alive.

Jaeger; I'm with you till the end of the line brother.

I nod and rise up to my feet.

Valk: Frost.

I turn to see the General approaching me.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Valk: We're ready to begin the assault on their base. Are you ready?

I turn to Jaeger and see him pick up a rifle and nod to me. I unholster my pistols straighten up.

Y/N: Born ready ma'am.

She smiles behind her oxygen mask and nods. I walk onto a gunship where Glade is already waiting.

Glade: Heard about what happened to Tank.

I my fists tighten and my head lowers.

Glade: Let's make sure his sacrifice wasn't in vain.

Y/N: Right.

The gunship takes off and we begin our assault. Artillery pounds the enemies entrenched enemies while General leads a ground charge. Our gunship hovers over our LZ and we jump out.

Glade: Alright let's clear these bastards out!

Y/N: Right!

I run into their headquarters and take out two guards with 2 precise shots.

Glade: Their Commander has to be deeper in.

We come to an intersection that spilts off in two directions.

Y/N: I'll go left.

Glade: I'll take right.

We split off and as I run my mind thinks back to Jet and Tank. Back in our recruit days we were a squad labeled as Gamma squad. We weren't the best but we definitely weren't the worst. We got along perfectly and training was a lot easier with them. I round a corner and find some insurgent waiting for me. I duck under his shot and kick his knee in. The second he falls I put a shot right between his eyes.

Y/N: Damn your all annoying.

I keep running taking out any guard who gets in my way. Eventually I come to a room filled with them. I manage to roll out of the way of their fire and get to cover. Aiming my grapple across from me I set up a tripwire of sorts. Reaching into my bag I produce two thermal grenades and chuck them inside.

Y/N: You'd all better start running.

The explosions go off and screams fill the room. Some manage to get out of the room but are instantly brought to the ground by my tripwire. I walk up to the survivors and blow their heads open. Stepping into the room I find mangled bodies and some still alive.

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