The Best Offense...

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Lets freaking goooooo

Y/N's POV:

The green liquid drains from my pod as my eyes open. Red warning signs blare through the lab. In a confused state I fall out of the pod.

Y/N: What the hell?

I look around and I see the other Arc Troopers pulling themselves up. What's going on?

The facility shakes and my ears adjust. The sound of drilling and blasters fill my ears.

Y/N: Holy shit. We're under attack!

I force my body to move as it adjusts. Me and the other Arcs race into the armory. I see that their still mostly confused.

Y/N: You and You!

I grab two of them.

Y/N: Go set up a snipers nest

I hand them long range rifles and they run out.

Y/N: You four go secure the cadet barracks.

They each grab their weapon of choice and haul ass.

Y/N: The rest of you go help out in any way possible. Now!

They all run out leaving me alone. I grab my duel pistols and activate my comms.

Y/N: General?

I wait and then a signal comes through.

Valk: Frost? What're you doing your not supposed to be up and about ye-

Y/N: Kamino is under attack.

Valk: I see. I suppose you'll be aiding in the defense.

Y/N: Of course ma'am. It's my home.

Valk: Very well. Good hunting Frost.

The comms switch off and I switch to local comms. I pick up on some type of drilling mechanism and how big it is. Looking to my left I see a rocket launcher in a locker and grab it slinging it onto my back.

Y/N: Alright let's do this.

I take the elevator up and come into contact with droids the second I step out. Acting fast I drop to my knee as their shots fly over my head. With several well placed shots I dispatch the droids in front of me.

Y/N: Damn Clankers.

I run till I reach outside and find that I'm facing away from the battle.

Y/N: Onto the roof then.

I fire my grapple to the roof and when I land I see one of the drills about to pierce one of the buildings. I slide the rocket launcher forward and take aim. Squeezing the trigger my body rocks in recoil as the rocket leaves the launcher and collides with the drill blowing it sky high.

Y/N: Haha suck it Separatist pigs.

I reload the launcher and sling it onto my shoulder as I sprint towards the fight to find someone to help. I come into a firefight and start helping out.

Havoc: Frost!

I slide next to my former drill instructor.

Y/N: What's even happening?!

I pop up from cover and take out two super battle droids and get back down.

Havoc: We're obviously under attack!

I see a hunchbacked clone handing supplies to clones and he gets to us.

Y/N: 99!

99: What do you need?

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