The battle of Kerell

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Aye before we begin I need to ask y'all for some help. My guy @EchoSquadron is doing a survey for what type of story he should write after MARVEL Earth 198. Here are the ideas he has.
Punishiator (think war machine and punisher had a child)

Y/N's POV:

I step off the transport shuttle and follow Commander Glade to report to General Valk. Members of the 607th all stop and stare. We make it to a command room and both stand at attention as General Valk turns to us.

Valk: Ah Frost your back.

She looks my new gear up and down and nods to herself.

Valk: I see they did a number on you.

Y/N: That's an understatement ma'am.

Glade: Lets get down to business. What's our status right now?

Valk: The separatist forces have pushed aside our outer perimeter and are now headed towards the capital. We've managed to evacuate civilians to the capital where we promised them safety.

A holographic map pops up and I study the map taking note of any and all unconventional tactics I could use here.

Y/N: Our mission?

Valk: Defend the capital at all costs.

Glade: That's a lot of ground the cover.

Y/N: Divide and conquer.

I walk towards the map and point to it.

Y/N: May I?

Valk: Go on, show us what you learned.

I nod and draw a series of lines and highlighting buildings.

Y/N: This here will be our primary defense. The bulk of the 607th will dig into defensive positions here. Here. Here. And here. The buildings I've marked can be used to trap our enemies in a kill box. One way in, no way out.

Glade: I can handle that.

Valk: Go on.

Nodding I draw two blips on the map away from the defensive line.

Y/N: The General and I can lead small fireteams to flank and disrupt the enemy. We travel light and only engage for as long as we need to. We will focus primarily on taking out key targets being comm set ups, tactical droids, if need be we can take out bridges to halt their advance.

The General and Commander look at each other.

Valk: Alright Frost we'll do it your way.

Glade: I'll start preparing the defenses.

He salutes and jogs off to round up soldiers. I turn to leave to get my squad but the General stops me.

Valk: Frost before you go there is something we need to discuss.

Y/N: What is it ma'am?

Valk: We've encountered a Sith. They go by the name Oblivion. If you see him do not engage and inform me immediately.

Y/N: Copy that.

She pats my arm and walks away and I go to find my squad. After some wandering I find 3 red clones. One polishing his mini gun. One packing medical equipment. And the other stands there with a blaster holding his neck.

Y/N: Hey guys.

They all turn to me.

Tank: Well I'll be.

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