No surrender

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I've got a test in a few minutes I should totally study........said no one ever. Letssss gooooooooo

Y/N's POV:

The droids step into our bottleneck and are immediately met with a wall of blue fire. The bottleneck forces them to send it smaller forces at a time.

Y/N: Don't let up!

Glade: Heavy infantry inbound!

2 tanks roll in but due to the very small space we've created, no infantry can back them up.

Glade: Beta team we need a firing mission. Stand by for coordinates.

Sgt. Rook: Send 'em.

Glade: Alpha 76. Gamma 43. Fire for affect.

Rook: Copy that.

I hear the sounds of whistling followed by the all too familiar explosion.

Glade: Good hit.

Valk: Any idea what else they have?

I turn to see our General effortlessly deflecting blaster fire and protecting our troops.

Y/N: No clue General.

A roar fills the air as the snipers from Castle team radio in.

Castle leader: Enemy air support in bound!

Y/N: Copy that. You heard that Beta team? Get some rockets watching the air.

Rook: On it.

An enemy ship is blown out of the sky as it's rubble crashes down onto the battlefield making it an even tighter squeeze for the separatists.

Y/N: Gotta say we might just pull this shit off.

The ground begins to shake.

Y/N: Spoke too soon...

I sour our makeshift bottle neck get lifted into the air .

Y/N: Oh fuck!

Below the rubble stands a dark cloaked man with one hand extended in the air.

Valk: Oblivion!

The rubble shoots into the air and starts falling towards us.

Glade: Everyone get down!

I dive to the ground as the ground around me is blasted by rocks and debris. Screams fill my ears as people get hit by the rubble. My ears ring as I pull myself up. Dirt falls off of my armor.

Glade: Gah fucking bastard.

I see Glade roll out of the way of blaster fire before going prone and firing at the now charging droid army.

Y/N: Anyone in Beta company copy?!


Jaeger: Jaeger here. Beta is out of the fight what can I do?

Y/N: Jaeger please tell me you know how to use the artillery!

Jaeger: More or less.

Y/N: Then fire at will!

Jaeger: Copy that. Firing!

The sounds of whistling fill the air as our artillery hammers at the heavy infantry. But they continue to advance. Our machine gun nests roar to life as we begin to mow down any light infantry.

Y/N: Man Tank would be having a ball today.

I prop myself up and whip out my pistols and open fire. I manage to get behind some cover ahead of me.

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