Chapter 1

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Maya PoV

"Are you ready?" My mom asked from the front passenger seat

"As ready as I'll ever be" I turned to my side looking at my beautiful baby girl

"Time to go home" Shawn said starting the car

"New York here we come" I sighed nervously

You're probably wondering how I have a child, how old she is and who's the father and maybe you're even wondering why we aren't still in New York? Let me get you up to speed

Flashback to 3 years ago
Maya PoV, Riley's house
January 24th

"So how do you feel finally eighteen" Riley asked as I was finishing off my makeup

"How should I feel" I asked doing the last bit of my eyeshadow turning to face Riley

"Happy, excited, nervous even" she grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the vanity

"I'm excited to go and drink with my friends" I smiled mischievously and Riley just frowned at me

"No drinking we aren't twenty-one yet" I frowned pouting my bottom lip "pleaseeee it my birthday"

"You aren't going to persuade me with your puppy dog eyes and technically it's after your birthday by a week" she giggled slightly

"One drink" I tried bargaining

"Our parents are coming and they aren't going to let you drink" she reminded

"Oh yeah" I sighed "We are still going to have so much fun with Zay, Smackle, Farkle, Me, You and Lucas" Riley said happily

Ah yes Lucas the boy I secretly like and have a crush on and my best friend is dating and in love with and every time I see them together I get jealous, yeah that Lucas

We kinda dated for a little in high school and there was this whole triangle between Lucas, Riley and me but I ended it by saying we were just friends and sending him to Riley because I didn't want to ruin my friendship with Riley it is the most important thing to me but I still really like him and I'm still crushing on him, I'm not even sure if a crush is the right word for how I'm feeling but I can't really describe it any other way

"Let's not keep them waiting! To your birthday party" Riley took my hand pulling me back to reality and leading me out of her room

I decided to straighten my hair and wear a short tight black dress with lace detailing over it, Riley wore a black dress with white, red and blue lines crossing over each other and she put her hair up in a bun

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I decided to straighten my hair and wear a short tight black dress with lace detailing over it, Riley wore a black dress with white, red and blue lines crossing over each other and she put her hair up in a bun

We got to the restaurant where we were meeting our parents and the others and then after that just Zay, Smackle, Farkle, Lucas, Riley and myself were heading to the bars just us to dance and sneakily drink

Riley and I walked in and everyone else was already sitting down ready to order Riley sat next to Lucas and I sat next to her with Farkle on the other side to me

"You look beautiful" Lucas said as Riley sat down I kept a smile on my face "Thanks babe you look great" Riley said back and they kissed I looked away facing Farkle as they kissed since it made me really jealous

"You look really beautiful as well Maya" I felt myself slightly blush, I turned back to face Lucas

"You don't look so bad yourself Huckleberry" I smiled and thankfully the waitress came over so we could order perfect timing I was fine not talking to Lucas the whole night

The food soon came once we placed our orders when Farkle tapped his glass getting everyone's attention "I'd like to make a toast to Maya, happy birthday" he smiled at me and I smiled back

"Happy birthday" everyone said and then clinked their glasses together

The dinner was amazing and Shawn and my Mom treated me so I didn't have to pay for my food which was very sweet of them

We left the restaurant and got into our cars Farkle, Lucas, Zay and Smackle all drove together and Riley and I drove in a separate car

We got to the bar and I excitedly got out I was all giddy and happy I had wanted us all to have a night out together for ages and they all finally agreed since it was for my birthday

Once we were inside I made my way over to the bar and sat down as the others went on the dance floor "Let me guess it's your birthday?" The bartender asked me

"How did you know" I asked with a smile

"I can just tell ..... and your friend who you came in with has a huge happy birthday balloon" he smiled and I slightly giggled

"So what can I get you?" He asked turning around grabbing a glass

"Aren't you going to ask for my id" I asked a little surprised but happy he didn't my fake ID is terrible

"It's your birthday one drink on the house" he turned back to face me

"Well in that case what do you recommend" I leant my arms on the bar

He started grabbing different alcohols and mixing them before pouring it into a glass I thanked him and started drinking my drink I didn't trust anyone here so I kept my eye on it

I didn't realise when Lucas came over and sat next to me "What you having?" I looked up from my drink

"Hey Ranger Rick why aren't you dancing with Riley" I pointed over to the others who were all dancing together

"I felt like a drink" he smiled

He ordered a drink and we sat and talked for a while until Riley came over asking him to dance "Go I'll join you guys in a little" I faked a smile and they went back to the others dancing, Lucas took a few drinks with him for the others

"Trouble in paradise?" I heard the bartender talk so I turned in my seat

"Oh no he's not my boyfriend" I quietly said

"I just assumed sorry" he gave me a pity smile and carried on mixing drinks but still stayed close to talk to me

"He's dating the brunette my best friend" I informed pointing over at them

"But you like him" he pointed out

"I- um what no" I drank the last of my drink and placed the glass down "Is it that obvious" I asked

"I'm intuitive" he smirked and poured some other people some drinks

"Can I get you another?" He asked I turned back to see Riley and Lucas dancing and laughing together she had her arms around his neck

"Got anything stronger?" I turned back a frown on my face he half smiled and poured me a few shots I payed for them and quickly drank them all

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