Chapter 15

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Lucas PoV

"To get you a drink" I said and she slid off my back "I have a drink" she shook the bottle in her hand

She sat back on the bed "Come here Ranger Rick" she grabbed my hand and pulled my arm wanting me to move over to the bed, I sighed and sat next to her

She smiled at me when I sat down and she leaned in closer placing her finger on my lips "I love these lips" she trailed her finger down my chest "And this body" Maya looked up at me "All of you"

I leaned back more away from Maya and I moved her hand "Don't Maya" her smile faded

"Don't you like me?" She wrapped her arms around herself "What's wrong with me if I was Riley you wouldn't say no"

"Maya you're perfect and beautiful and anyone including me would be lucky to be with you but not when you're drunk, okay" I stood up from the bed and Maya stayed sitting down taking another big gulp of alcohol

"Can I have that now?" I asked holding my hand out for the drink

"Nope still sad and with each drink I feel better" she said before she took another drink

She lay down on her back "Why do I fuck up everything Huckleberry?"

"You don't" I said trying to comfort her

"I do!" She took another swig which worried me since she was lying down I just wanted to take it off her but she wouldn't let me

"I fucked up any chance I had with you that went straight out the window, and I majorly fucked up my friendship with Riley" she sighed

Maya stood back up on the bed "I'm just going to drink my problems away, are you going to join me?" She said looking down to me "No" I simply said

"Live a little Moral Compass" She held out the drink to me

I shook my head "I'm not messing around" she frowned and took another drink "Your loss"

Maya wasn't listening to me and she kept almost falling off her bed since she was jumping around, I took my shoes off and stood up on the bed with her "Took you long enough" she took another large sip

Maya then held the drink out to me again "Come onnnn" she shook the drink side to side "Don't make me drink alone" she smirked

I reached for the drink so I could just take it from her and she would stop drinking but Maya held it above her head and leaned backwards "Too slow" she laughed

Maya took another step back and almost fell backwards off the bed I grabbed her hand and the glass bottle luckily landed on the bed as it fell from her hand

"Thanks" she said softly, Maya slowly leaned in to kiss me but I moved away at the last second avoiding the kiss "Maya I'm not going to kiss you when you're drunk"

"I'm not that drunk" she folded her arms

"How drunk are you then?" I asked knowing she was probably going to lie she had already drunk a lot from the time I got here and she was already drunk when I came in

"Drunk enough to know that I want you right now but not drunk enough that you should feel guilty about taking advantage" she took another step closer to me

"Nothing is going to happen Maya so can you just get into bed" I said trying to say it in a nice way

Maya kept her eyes on me and pulled her shirt off from over her head "Maya" I said trying to keep my eyes on her face

"I heard you nothings happening but the least you can do is help me" I didn't feel comfortable helping her into her pyjamas since we weren't together

"Unless you can get changed yourself you're just going to have to sleep in your clothes" I said

She moved off the top of the bed and stood on the floor "No Ranger Rick just help me please" I stood on the floor as well

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed "You know it's really attractive when you do that" Maya said just standing there watching me and she took another sip of alcohol

I didn't want her to say anything else she would regret "Just help me get these jeans off they're so tight"

I didn't want to do anything that sober Maya would feel uncomfortable with but she was a drunk truth bomb right now and I know she would say something she would regret if I stayed here but I didn't want to leave her alone when she was like this

"It's not like you haven't seen me naked before and besides it's just my jeans" She smirked "Stop being such a gentlemen and just help me get these jeans off I can't undo the button" she said fumbling trying to undo it

I agreed and undid the button and zip and I started helping her pull her jeans down "Watch your hands Friar" she said more serious

Once they were a little off her I just let Maya take them off I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable

"Hold this" Maya said passing me the vodka bottle and she took her jeans off and then moved into her bed and pulled the covers over herself

I started to leave "Wait Huckleberry" I stopped and turned around

"Don't leave me please" She sat up more the joking tone had fully left her voice

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