Chapter 18

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Maya PoV

I was getting ready for my Christmas party that was starting soon, I had put Hope in a white dress with little reindeers on it and I decided to wear a red romper with a white collar at the top of it and black heels

Once we had finished getting ready I put the food I made, out on the side and made sure everywhere was clean

I heard a knock at the door and went to go and answer it

I opened the door to my mom, Shawn I still called him Shawn I wasn't really used to saying dad yet even though it had been years but I was getting there, Cory,  Topanga and Auggie I hugged them all and let them in

"Thank you all for coming Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas" My mom said handing me a bottle of wine

I took it and thanked her and my mom and Shawn went and put some presents they brought under the tree

"Is Riley coming?" I asked hoping she was but I knew she probably wasn't

"Sorry Maya, but no" Topanaga said giving me a pity smile

"I hope you girls can figure this out" Cory said reassuringly squeezing my arm "Merry Christmas"

Somebody else knocked on the door and I went to open it "Hey thanks for coming guys" I said with a smile

It was Farkle, Zay and Smackle but still no Lucas "Merry Christmas! We have gifts" Zay said holding up a bag full of presents

"Thanks just put them under the tree" I hugged them all and they walked inside

"Farkle" I said once everyone was inside "Where's Lucas?" I was kinda nervous I hoped he was still coming

"He forgot the presents so he said he would make his own way over" Farkle explained

"Oh okay" I slightly smiled and we made our way over to the couch

Hope came running out of her room over to all of us "Look at me" she said spinning around. Everyone clapped and cheered making her laugh excitably

I heard the door again and quickly stood up to open it "Hi" I said with a smile

"Hey" Lucas replied "You look amazing"

"Thanks you look good too" We both smiled at each other and I heard somebody clear their throat behind us faking a cough

"Come on in" I said being pulled back into reality

Lucas came in and I shut the door behind him "LUCAS!" Hope shouted and ran up to him

He crouched down to her level "Look at my dress isn't it pretty"

"You look just like a princess" she smiled and then pointed at me "Doesn't mommy look pretty too"

"Yeah she's beautiful" Lucas said standing up and facing me

I could of just stayed in that moment forever but of course somebody knocked on the door

"Make yourself at home" I said to Lucas as I turned to open the door

I opened the door to see Josh

I immediately tightly hugged him as soon as I saw him almost knocking him over but he hugged back

I let go and we both came inside and I shut the door behind him "I'm so glad you could come Josh"

"Or should I said Uncle Boing" we both laughed, remembering what I used to call him that felt like so long ago

"Merry Christmas Maya and where's my little monkey?" He said looking around for Hope

Hope stood up from next to Lucas on the couch and she ran up to Josh and he picked her up and spun her around making her laugh

You're probably wondering how Josh and Hope are so close and well when we were in Florida Josh was over there too so we ended up hanging out all the time and he had always known Hope is my daughter so she loves him so much, he practically raised her with me but no its not what you're thinking I don't like Josh and he doesn't like me romantically he has a girlfriend and we are just great friends

Lucas came over and held his hand out to Josh "Nice to see you again Matthews"

Josh shook his hand "You too Friar" I sighed, couldn't they just use their first names

Josh and Hope then went over to the couch and sat down "So you and Josh? What's going on there?" He asked looking jealous

"What are you jealous Lucas?" I asked joking with him

"N-no I'm not jealous" I rolled my eyes

"Sure" I then went over to everyone else

I picked up the star from the coffee table, Lucas stood up too picking up Hope

"Do you want to put the star on the tree?" I asked her knowing she would love too

She quickly took the star off me and tried to reach up to place it on but she couldn't reach so Lucas put Hope on his shoulders and he helped her put the star on the top

"Yay! I did it!" She said looking at everyone

We all talked for hours, it's been a while since we were all together in one place it turns out Zay and Smackle are dating and have been for a few years, Auggie and Ava are still together, Farkle had started working at his fathers company and Lucas was applying to schools to study veterinary sciences,

It seemed like everyone had a plan they all knew what they were doing but I was just kind of guessing as I went along I still haven't got a job yet over here and I had only been back a short amount of time and there was already so much drama

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