Chapter 7

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Maya PoV

I rushed past reception and to her room, Shawn took Cory and Topanga out of the room since I was so worried either me or Hope would let something slip so he just told them the room was getting crowded

I came in the room I shut the door behind me "mommy!" She held out her arms for a hug

"Hi baby" I hugged her and sat next to her on the hospital bed

"What did you do silly" I said smiling knowing she was okay

"I was running and then I tripped and hurted myself" she pointed at her chin

"I'm glad you're okay" I said hugging her again

"But my chin" she said after we hugged

I kissed her chin "All better now" she smiled brightly making me laugh "mommy's kisses make everything better" she said happily

I heard a knock on the door and it opened my mom walked in

"Your friends are asking for you" She said walking up to me

"I'll go out now" I turned around "I will be right back" I said sweetly to Hope and walked out

"She's fine thankfully she just needed some stitches on her chin" I told everyone who was waiting outside the room

"Maya can I speak to you for a minute" Farkle asked

"Sure" I reluctantly said and we went into an empty room next to Hope's

"What's going on Farkle" I said just wanting to go and sit with my daughter

"She's not your sister is she?" My heart started beating faster

"What! Yes she is" I was clearly shocked and my voice was going all high pitched

"Maya she's your daughter not your sister" He repeated and knowing Farkle he wouldn't leave until I told him the truth

"No that's not true" I said one more time hoping he would just drop it

"Maya" He raised his eyebrow at me

"She looks so much like you, it adds up you were sick before you left and then you left for 3 years and you came back with a three year old" How does he have such a good memory? I can't believe he figured it out so quick.

"Yes okay she's not my sister, Hope is my daughter" I sighed

"But you can't tell anyone!" I said in a much more serious tone

"We won't judge you if that's what you're worried about" I turned around to see Riley and Lucas through the glass in the door

"It's not that" I turned back to face Farkle

"It's Lucas isn't it?" He asked, damn he's intuitive

"What about Lucas?" I asked looking away from Farkle slightly

"When did you two-" I stopped him talking

"Please don't say anything" I said again

"I won't say anything I promise" I hugged Farkle "Thank you"

We walked out of the room and to the others "What were you two being so secretive about?" Riley asked curiously

"Nothing" I simply said

"You guys don't have to stay she's okay" I slightly smiled still avoiding Lucas's gaze

"Can we meet her" Riley said excitedly

"Um I guess so" I said hoping for the best

I opened the door "Hope there are some people I want you to meet" I smiled at her and sat next to her on the bed again as everyone came inside, the adults left so there was more room for us

"This is Smackle" I said as Izzy came up to the bed

"And Zay" Hope was concentrating to remember all their names

"This is Farkle and you remember Riley from earlier" Hope smiled at Riley who was sitting at the bottom of the bed

"Who's that" she asked pointing at Lucas

"That's Lucas" I said still not facing him

"Hello" Hope said shyly to everyone

"Hi" they all replied

"She looks so much like you Maya" Smackle said looking at us both with a smile

"But she has such green eyes really unique kinda like Lucas's there like green and blue with a hint of yellow" Riley said leaning a little closer to me and Hope, I turned to Farkle for support

"Why don't we go out and let Hope sleep" Farkle suggested to everyone they all agreed and walked out "Thank you" I mouthed to Farkle as he left

Lucas came back into the room shutting the door behind him and he sat where Riley was just sitting

"What do you want?" I asked coldly

"I wanted to talk to you it's been years since you and I-" I stopped him talking by talking over him

"It's been three years don't bring it up" I said looking at Hope brushing a strand of hair out of her face as she was falling asleep on me she's had a long day

"You can't even look at me Maya" He moved more up on the bed closer to me

I looked up meeting his eyes "Please I don't want to talk about it we promised to say that night never happened" I didn't want to talk about that night incase the truth came out and how yes it did happen and how I am a mom because of it

"Can we at least try and be friends?" He asked a pleading look in his eyes

"I can try" I agreed "Can you go now?" I asked looking away from him again

I heard him stand up and walk away closing the door, I let out a shaky breath and tried not to get overwhelmed by everything and cry

I loved Hope with all my heart but being back here was so hard I had missed my friends of course I did but seeing Lucas just brought back all the feelings I had kept bottled inside for the past few years

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