Chapter 2

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Maya PoV

I sat at the bar drinking and talking to the bartender for a few hours as my friends all danced

I looked around the dance floor Zay and Smackle were dancing together "Finally" I said to myself happy for them they had been flirting with each other for a while and it was obvious to everyone they liked each other

Lucas kept coming over buying more drinks for everyone except Riley she never really drank but the others were a little tipsy myself included

Since Riley was the only sober one she would have to take everyone home and her car wasn't that big

Everyone walked over to me at the bar Lucas sat down next to me again

"I'm going to take these three home I'll come back to pick you guys up after" she smiled

"It's okay I've only had one drink I can take Maya home" Lucas offered I didn't really want to be alone with Lucas when I was drunk I was worried I would just started telling him how much I liked him

"I can get a cab it's fine" I said trying to sound as sober as possible

"It's no problem Maya I'll take you home" Lucas insisted

"Thanks Lucas" Riley went over and kissed him
"Happy Birthday Peaches" she hugged me and helped the others out of the bar

"Want to dance" Lucas asked

"I'm good" I took another sip of my drink

"You've been sitting here all night come on it's your birthday" he smiled at me, his perfect smile how was every part of him so perfect is it even legal to look that attractive

"If you have some shots with me I'll dance with you" I said making a deal with him Lucas nodded and the bartender poured some shots

I reached for one but Lucas took them all and drank them"hey!" I said my voice going a little squeaky

"you've had enough" he stood up and held his hand out to me

"Can I have this dance?" I placed my hand in his and hopped down from the bar stool

We made our way onto the dance floor and I was keeping my distance from Lucas as we danced, as much as I wanted to go up to him and dance in his arms I couldn't because he's with Riley

Im guessing he could tell I wasn't having a lot of fun so he came up closer to me and held my hand he twirled me around and it made me laugh since it was rave dance music and he was dancing like it was something classical and slow

"I knew I could make you smile" he said spinning me again, I twirled close to him and ended up in his arms against his chest with his arms wrapped around me

I blushed slightly and stepped away "I'm going to get another drink"


We lost track of the time and we had kept going back for more drinks and shots and then we would just dance again

We were both pretty drunk so we would have to get a cab home but I wasn't bothered about that

After we had just finished a few more drinks we went back onto the dance floor I put Lucas's hands on my waist and swayed to the music running my hands through my hair

"We should probably go soon" Lucas suggested as we danced

I just mumbled and felt Lucas move his hands off me I stopped dancing "Fine let's go" I sighed

Lucas took my hand and we went outside to find a cab we were both stumbling slightly from all the drinks,

"I don't want to walk anymore" I said stopping and leaning against a wall

"Come on Maya" Lucas said stopping next to me

"No my feet hurt" I folded my arms "You try walking in heels"

"We can't just stand here all night" Lucas pointed out, I pouted my bottom lip and gave him sad puppy dog eyes

He turned around and crouched slightly "Jump up" I smiled and jumped on his back he held onto my legs and I wrapped my arms around his neck "Thanks Huckleberry"

We walked for a little longer, well Lucas walked I stayed on his back and then we got into a cab as we were driving I started drifting off to sleep leaning my head on Lucas's shoulder

Lucas gently shook me awake "We're here" he softly said

I opened my eyes and saw my apartment "No I can't go in this drunk they'll be so mad" I said speaking a little too loud and keeping my head on Lucas's shoulder

I heard him sigh and he told the driver another address. Was he taking me Riley's maybe ?

The cab stopped Lucas payed and we got out I was stumbling trying to walk straight clutching onto Lucas for support he unlocked the door and we went inside I didn't recognise it

"Where are we Ranger Rick" I said turning around grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer

"My house" he said back "my mom isn't home so I thought you could crash here since you're drunk" he looked me up and down and I swallowed nervously realising how close we were stood to each other

"You're the drunk one not me" I said slightly slurring my words "But thank you" I said quietly letting go of his shirt but he didn't move away

I kept my hand on his chest when I had just grabbed his shirt and looked up to face him biting my lower lip

"We should probably go to bed" I said not looking away from his gaze "I mean I should not that we should go sleep together" I quickly corrected getting flustered and blushing

Neither of us moved it's like we were frozen in this moment just looking at each other analysing each other's features when I felt a hand on my lower back

I blushed even more and leaned it I wasn't that much smaller than him with my heels on I closed my eyes and kissed Lucas

I felt him kiss back it started out soft and gentle but then turned to passion and lust I pulled away taking a breath Lucas had both his hands around my waist

"Do you want to show me the bedrooms" Lucas smirked and led the way he opened the door to his room and I shut it behind us

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck he pushed me up against the door and placed his lips on mine

We pulled away our faces still close I couldn't help but smile I was happy really happy, Lucas took me over to his bed and placed me down

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