Chapter 14

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Maya PoV

"Riley please let me try and fix this" I pleaded not wanting to loose her

"I said get out!" She hissed her voice filled with hurt

"Talk to me please!" I raised my voice a little bit more since she wasn't listening to me

"GET OUT!" She screamed at me as tears started falling down her face "you were my best friend, my sister now you're nothing to me" And just like that my heart was shattered into millions of pieces, I couldn't hold back my tears for much longer

"Please don't say that" I took a step forward and Riley turned away opening the door wider

"You knew how much I loved him but you still slept with him. I just I can't look at you without thinking about you two together so just leave" She's right I am completely in the wrong I don't deserve her forgiveness but I need it, this secret has been eating me alive I can't stand the thought of loosing her forever.

"Ring power! Please talk to me" I still wore the ring Riley gave me everyday and I noticed when I came in she was still wearing it so hopefully I had a chance, whenever either of us used to say ring power the other had to do what they said

"I don't care about ring power it's stupid and pathetic" she said trying to hold back more of her tears she took off her ring and threw it at me "Take that and leave"

I bent down and picked it up "I hope we can figure this out, I don't want to loose you" I sighed holding back tears of my own and started walking out of her room,

"You've already lost me" she said right before I stepped out her room, once I stepped outside her door she slammed her bedroom door shut behind me "Thunder" I said walking towards her kitchen, I let out a shaky breath and placed her ring on the kitchen table "Lightning"

Lucas PoV
Later that same day

Not long after Maya left to see Riley, Shawn and Katy came back to look after Hope so I left

I had just heard that when Maya went to see Riley it didn't go well I decided to come round and see if she was okay

I knocked on the door when I heard Maya "Hello?" and then I heard her shout "Ouch shit that hurt" so I tried to open the door and luckily it was already unlocked

"Maya?" I said walking into her house

"You got the door open!" she said from the floor she was lying down in front of the couch

I went over and helped her up "Are you drunk?" I asked sitting her down on the couch

"Noooooo" she dragged out the word she must of fell off the couch or just tripped over when I knocked on that's why she shouted "Are you hurt?" I asked sitting next to her

"I'm fineeee" she smiled at me "Can I tell you a secret" I nodded

She leaned in closer "I am so drunk" she whispered to me and then laughed leaning back in the couch

"Where's Hope?" I asked, knowing Maya I doubt she would get this drunk if Hope was still here

"My parents took her to theirs since I was upset they told her it was a sleepover and she got really excited" I sighed they must of had a big argument for Maya to want to get this drunk to make herself feel better

"How much did you drink?" I asked concerned about her

"I haven't drunk anything" she sat up more

"You know my tolerance has gone wayyyyy down since I had Hope" she giggled and pointed down to the floor

"I never drink anymore I should drink more" she reached for the wine bottle on the coffee table and I moved it away "Hey! That's mine" she frowned and crossed her arms

I stood up from the couch "Let's get you to bed" I held out my hands to help her up she took my hands and I wrapped my arm around her to keep her steady as she walked, I didn't realise but Maya grabbed the bottle of vodka that was next to the wine bottle and was walking with it

"I can walk by myself" she said pushing my arm off her she tried to walk and was wobbling everywhere "Maya let me help you" I sighed walking beside her

She ignored me and kept trying to walk she wasn't walking very far "See I can walk fine and I would walk better if everything stayed still"

She almost fell over when I quickly grabbed her and put my arm around her again "Ooooh you just zoomed over here" she laughed again

I helped her into her room and placed her on her bed and she leaned backwards lying down "Can the room stop spinning please"

She sat up "Huckleberry make the room stop spinning" she slurred her words as she talked, I smiled it's the first time she's called me that in a while

She took a swig of the drink and made a disgusted face "Wooo I forgot how strong this was" she smiled at me

"I think you've had enough Maya" I said reaching for the bottle

She moved her hand away "Noooo! You took my wine you can't have both" and she took another big sip

"Maya come on" I said reaching for the bottle again

She stood up on the bed and she wobbled a little bit she soon got steady "I'm taller than you now you can't get it" she laughed and took another drink

"You're going to either make yourself sick or hurt yourself just sit back down" I said concerned about her but Maya ignored me and took another sip jumping up and down

"You're just jealous you can't have any" I turned around to leave the room, hopefully if I got her some water she would drink that instead

Just as I turned around Maya jumped onto my back "Where are you going"

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