Chapter 26

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Maya PoV

"I'll be right over" I said quickly it was my first instinct but I couldn't leave Hope

"We're at the hospital" she whispered down the phone

"I'll be there soon" I said as I rushed into my bedroom, hopefully Lucas would watch Hope

She sniffled a quiet thank you and hung up the phone

I put my phone on my side and started looking for some clothes, Lucas came into my room "What's going on?" He asked worry filling his voice

"I'm going to the hospital" I said pulling clothes off the hangers and not caring Lucas was still in the room I was in a rush, so I just started getting changed

"Wait is Riley okay" He asked much more panicked than before

"It's Cory" I said pulling my jeans up and putting my trainers on as quickly as I could

"I'm going with you" He said when I was fully ready to leave

I stopped rushing around the house to talk to him "You can't come, Riley is upset and seeing us together won't help"

My heart was beating extremely fast and I felt like I couldn't breathe I just kept thinking of the worst case scenarios

"Maya" Lucas said placing his hands on my arms, he saw I was panicking and pulled me into a tight hug and I started relaxing a little bit, I held off my tears because I knew I had to be strong Riley must be feeling so much worse

"I have to go" I moved out of his embrace and grabbed my phone off my side and rushed around trying to find my keys

"Where are they!" I said to myself getting more stressed by the second

"I'm coming with you and that's final" Lucas had put his coat and shoes on and he was grabbing Hopes coat and helping her put it on over her pyjamas, he then helped her put her shoes on

"I can go alone" I said still running around the house looking everywhere

"Fuck sake! Where are they" I was stressed, panicked, scared and now I couldn't find my keys

I looked back at Lucas who had my keys in his hand and he was holding them up "Maya you're clearly stressed, I'm coming"

"I'm fine" I said clearly not fine but I didn't have to be fine I just had to be there for Riley

"You and Hope need to stay here" I said trying to grab the keys off him but he held them up so I couldn't reach

"Lucas! Give me my keys" I was getting more annoyed now was not the time for him to be joking I needed to go

"I'm driving" he said holding Hopes hand and walking outside

I sighed I didn't want to fight about this the quicker I got to Riley the better, I grabbed my coat on the way out and shut my door behind me

When I got to the car Lucas was strapping Hope into her car seat and I got into the front passenger seat

Lucas then got into the drivers seat and we started driving "Mommy what's going on" Hope asked from the back of the car

"We are meeting Auntie Riley" I said keeping my eyes on the road

We soon got to the hospital but to me it felt like it took hours, I knew I had to get out but I couldn't bring myself to move

"Maya?" Lucas said looking over at me, I was trying so hard to fight off tears and to put up a strong front

"I-I'm fine" I hesitated and unbuckled my seatbelt, Lucas reached over and grabbed my hand

"Hey, I'm sure Cory is okay" I let out a shaky breath

"Yeah I'm sure he is, like I said I'm fine" I let go of his hand and opened the car door getting out

Lucas got out too "Are you not waiting here?" I asked hoping he wouldn't come in

"I told you I'd come and I will" he said walking over to me,

As much as I loved that he wanted to look after me and make sure I was okay and didn't breakdown or something I didn't want him here

But I knew no matter what I said he wasn't going to stay in the car so I just didn't bother to argue. I got Hope out and Lucas locked the car, she held my hand as we walked in

Lucas then held hands with Hope as I rushed to the front desk "I'm looking for Cory Matthews" the woman at the desk didn't answer me she just typed something on the computer and then after a few minutes she looked up at me

"Relation to the patient?" She asked me

"He's my ... we aren't related but he's like family" I said hoping she would just let me go and see him

"Sorry only family are allowed in" I needed to know where he was I needed to see Riley and I wasn't going to let this woman stop me

"Lucas can you go and get us some coffees" I said turning around to face him, he nodded left down one of the hallways following signs

I got out my phone and text Riley telling her I was here, I sent Lucas to get coffee just so when Riley came he wasn't here I couldn't deal with anymore drama right now

A few minutes later Riley came through some double doors, I rushed over to her and tightly hugged her I had missed her so much

"Hi peaches" she said forcing a smile, I hugged her again, this was good I know it was under terrible circumstances but I was hugging her, she called me peaches, maybe she had forgiven me

"How is he?" I asked wondering what was going on and why he was even here

"He's stable but that's all they're telling us" I could tell she just wanted some answers and to see if her dad was okay, I wanted the same

"Auntie Riley are you okay?" Hope said tugging on Riley's pant leg

She bent down and hugged Hope "I'm okay" she softly smiled at her and stood back up to face me

Riley started walking back but she stopped when she realised I wasn't following her "Aren't you coming ?" She asked turning around to face me

"I'm not family" I said knowing the receptionist wouldn't let me go with Riley

"Oh bullshit! You're family" she covered her mouth when she realised she swore "I mean bullshirt" she corrected which made me laugh slightly

"Come on" She held her hand out to me I walked over and grabbed her hand

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