Chapter 24

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Maya PoV

I sat there for a moment when there was a knock,  I wiped my eyes and stood up opening the door

Lucas just stood there facing me I don't even think he knew what he was doing anymore, neither of us did we were just doing what we felt

"I was wrong, I'm not giving up yet" he placed his hands on my face and passionately kissed me, I stepped backwards not moving away from Lucas and he pushed the door shut once we were inside

I pulled away breathing heavily "So what does this mean?" I asked looking up at him

"Do we have to decide that right now?" He said with a smile

"I guess not" I smiled back and kissed him again, Lucas pulled me closer placing his hand low down on my waist, but I pulled away and I took a step back

"Okay no, the last time this happened" I pointed at me and Lucas

"She happened" I pointed at Hopes room

I slightly laughed "Speaking of, I'm going to check on her hopefully our yelling didn't bother her ... make yourself at home" 

I made my way over to Hopes room quietly pushing the door open a little more and looking in to check she was still asleep and luckily she was

Lucas snuck up behind me and wrapped his arms around me I gasped as an initial shock but when I realised it was just Lucas I relaxed and we both just stood there looking at her

I moved his arms from around me and walked into my room, Lucas came in and sat next to me on the bed

"You can stay tonight if you want, but nothings going to happen, things are still terrible with Riley and this will just make things worse"

No matter what either of us felt, Riley meant so much more to me, I've known her mostly all of my life and I don't want my life to be without her so I don't want to keep screwing things up

"I thought you'd say that and I agree" he said surprising me,

"You do?" I asked

"Maya, you and Riley have always been best friends and I know how much you mean to each other and I know you would never do anything to intentionally hurt her" he softly smiled at me

"So that's why I know you aren't going to let how we feel get in the way of your friendship and that's okay" I don't know if this is how he truly felt but I know he was willing to wait for me until everything with Riley had blew over a bit

"Why are you so amazing" I smiled back at him

"I have you" I rolled my eyes even though I did think what he said was really cute but I'm not going to tell him that

Lucas wrapped his arms around me holding me closer "I'm trying to be romantic over here" He joked a smile on his face "What was that for" He asked referring me rolling my eyes

"Hmmm? What" I said playing dumb a wide smile on my face "Oh your cheesy comment?"

He moved his arms from around me and turned around so he wasn't facing me "Hey!" I said laughing

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