Chapter 29

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Maya PoV

It's been a few weeks and it's now the 10th January, New Years has been and gone me and Hope just stayed home I didn't feel like going to the Matthews party, Cory is perfectly fine and out of hospital but he still gets a few more weeks off work

As for Lucas, I haven't heard from him since that day, I called him a few days after it happened but he didn't answer, I even left a voicemail saying how we needed to talk but I didn't go into detail, all I said was I was sorry and I want him to calm me back

Still nothing from him, he had still been talking to Farkle and Zay and they told me he's just focusing on finding a good university to study at.

I get that maybe he's busy and maybe that's why he hasn't rang me back but I doubt it, I've been looking for jobs and I could still call him but I'm not going too I've already called and left a voicemail it's his turn

I can see Hope misses him, she keeps asking when we can next see Lucas and I just keep saying soon. I miss him.

I think Hope has been wanting to see him more because I've finally told her the truth, I told her that Lucas is her dad and she got all giddy and happy

I was sitting on the couch with Hope we were watching some show she loves I'm not sure what it was but it was on the kids channel and it has bright colours, when my phone started ringing

"Hello? Maya speaking." I said answering the phone hoping it was one of the places I applied to work

"Hi." I recognised this voice immediately

"It's Lucas" just as I thought, why was he calling now, maybe he would try and make this work again

"H-hi" I said sitting up straighter on the couch

"I was just calling to tell you I'm going to London, I thought you should know" I was completely shocked this was coming out of nowhere

"London? When? For how long? Why?" I asked multiple questions I just couldn't wrap my head around it Lucas was leaving

"In a few days" he shortly replied

"Why London there are loads of other places you can go." I said trying to show him that he can easily stay here with us

"I just need to get away for a while" now it makes sense he's leaving because of me, he's going to a whole other country just to get away from me.

Did he really hate me that much now that he wanted to leave?

"I'll be gone for about 5 years I know it's a long time but that's how long the vet course is" I stood up from the couch I just had to walk around and process this

I was pacing backwards and forwards "F-five years? What about Hope? She knows about you know what am I supposed to tell her?" It was too long I didn't like the thought of not seeing Lucas for another day, let alone five whole years

"I'll call every chance I get and that's why I called to tell you, I want you to send me updates on her, like her first day of school, her first school dance. Just everything I'm going to miss being over here... please" It really seemed like he had thought about everything

I still hated the idea of him going away to another country but if it's something he cared so much about I couldn't do anything to change his mind

"Yeah yeah sure of course I will" I moved the phone away from my ear and put it on speaker, I then sat back down next to Hope and muted the tv "You're on speaker"

"Hi princess" he said and the biggest smile I've ever seen came in Hopes face

"Daddy!!" She yelled down the phone, it was weird hearing that she always just said Lucas

He chuckled slightly, god I loved that laugh "I'm going to be going away for a while Hope but I will call you everyday" he said trying to explain it to her

I placed the phone down on the coffee table in front of Hope so they could talk, I just had to stand up I knew this was the end of us as a couple or whatever we were

After about ten minutes Hope shouted me "Mommy come say bye bye" she said waving me over

I let out a shaky breath and went over to her

"Bye Princess" He said to Hope "Bye Bye" She said still smiling brightly

"Goodbye Lucas" I said picking up my phone again

"Bye Maya" He said and then I heard the beep of the call ending

I put the sound back on the tv and text Riley asking if she could come over

A few hours later

I was making food for Me,Hope and Riley when I heard a knock on the door, I rushed over and immediately hugged Riley

We went in and sat back with Hope "Hi Auntie Riley" Hope said smiling

"Hi Pumpkin" Riley said placing a plastic shopping bag on the coffee table

"What is the bag Riles?" I asked curiously

"Ice cream, movies, chocolate for this little munchkin and some drinks for us adults" she said tapping on the bag

"I felt like it was a chocolate and ice cream kind of night" she guessed

"You thought right it definitely is" I took the bag and started putting everything away until we had eaten food

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