Chapter 16

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Lucas PoV

"I can't stay Maya you're drunk you don't know what you're saying"

"Please I don't want to be alone" She looked really upset and I felt bad for her, she held her hand out to me

"If you were sober you wouldn't want me to be here and definitely not in the same bed as you" I said trying to make her see this would be a bad idea

"Nothings going to happen Ranger Rick I heard what you said" she paused  "I just need you right now"

I went over the bed lying under the covers with her "I'm sorry I wouldn't give you the drink" she said as soon as I was next to her

"It's fine but why wouldn't you?" I asked

"Riley hates me" She said

"I'm sure she doesn't" I said trying to comfort her

"She gave me back her ring and said I've lost her" Maya started to quietly cry and she placed her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her

"You're Riley and Maya you're going to work this out" I ran my fingers up and down her back to try and calm her down

"I'm so sorry Lucas" she looked up at me "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Hope and I'm sorry I pushed you away"

"Hey it's okay you just did what was best for her" I said softly trying to make her feel better about the whole situation

"It wasn't just for Hope I was being selfish and I'm really sorry" she placed her head on my chest again and I moved her hair out of her face and around her ear "You don't have to apologise"

"I do" she said back "Just promise me I won't loose you too" she said softly looking up at me

"I promise" she moved her arms around me "Thanks" she said quieter she was probably falling asleep

"I love you Lucas" she said softly it was almost a whisper

"W-What?" I asked shocked if I heard her right "Maya?" She didn't answer so I guess she fell asleep

Maybe she just said it because she was drunk and I was here I doubt she actually loves me but what if she did what would that mean for us

The next morning
December 24th
Maya PoV

I woke up with someone's arm around me and I felt so sick and my head hurt I was definitely hungover

I slowly turned around to see who was in bed with me

Oh fuck not again, seriously Lucas was here why is it every time I'm drunk and don't remember the night before I wake up with Lucas

He woke up soon after I did "Hey you're awake, how do you feel" he said his voice husky from just waking up

"Lucas did we?" I asked nervously thinking of the worst case scenarios

"No-no!" He said quickly "Do you really think that low of me?" He asked a little hurt

"I would never take advantage of you Maya" he moved his arm from around me "You were drunk and didn't want to be alone"

"No I know you wouldn't" I said sitting up "Thanks for staying"

"So what do you remember" I thought back trying to remember most of last night

"My parents took Hope to theirs and then I started drinking ... did I fall over?" He slightly laughed

"Yeah when I knocked on the door" I slightly smiled, well that explains the pain in my side

"So you came in and helped me into bed .. did you also take my clothes off me?" I asked blushing slightly

"Sorry you wouldn't go to sleep unless I helped you take your jeans off" he said apologetically

"It's okay I doubt I was very reasonable" we both laughed a little

"And my shirt?" I asked blushing slightly

"Well that was all you" I blushed more "Oh sorry"

"It's mostly just a blur I remember jumping on the bed but that's about it" I admitted I hoped I wasn't missing out too much off the night

"Is that it?" He asked

"Yeah oh god what else did I do?" I asked embarrassed what did I say or do ?

"No that's uh that's mostly all that happened" He softly smiled at me "Good" I said getting out of bed, I had to steady myself once I first stood up I was feeling so sick and dizzy, yep I am never drinking again

I put my shirt back on and put some pyjama shorts on "I'm going to make myself some coffee do you want one?" I asked trying to not seem hungover

"Yeah that'll be great thanks" he smiled and stood up from the bed

"Hey um do you maybe have another shirt I could wear?" Lucas asked nervously, he probably didn't want to stay in the same shirt he had slept it last night

I slightly laughed "I think I have a  sweater in my wardrobe that'll fit, don't worry I bought it from the men's section" I smiled and walked out

I went in the kitchen to make the coffees when I heard a knock on the door "Lucas can you get that?" I shouted from the kitchen

"I don't have my shirt on and I can't find your sweater" he shouted back

I sighed and went to go and answer the door "Riley" I said surprised she was the last person I was expecting to see

I only opened the door slightly so she only saw me "Hey about yesterday maybe I overreacted do you think we could talk about this" she said with a slight smile

It was bright outside and being hungover wasn't helping, I was squinting, my eyes hurt, everything was bright, too loud and my head was hurting so much but I was trying to act like I was perfectly fine I doubt she was buying it "I would love that let's go out and talk about it" I said remembering Lucas was here and I didn't want her to get the wrong idea

"I think you'll need some proper clothes on if we are going out" Riley pointed out as I faked a laugh "Why don't we just talk inside" she suggested

"Is this the right one?" Lucas shouted from my room

"Who's that? Are you not alone?" Riley asked pushing the door open more just as Lucas walked out of my room shirtless holding one of my sweaters in his hands

"Oh I see" She said looking at Lucas and then back at me

"Riley" Lucas said noticing she was there

"This isn't what you think" I said quickly "Please lets talk like you wanted to"

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