Chapter 25

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Maya PoV

Just as I thought Hope came rushing into our room at 5 in the morning, she jumped on the bed and fell on me which woke me up

I shushed her "Baby be quiet" Lucas was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him, I was used to being woke up early from Hope but he wasn't

"But Santa" she said speaking quietly doing as I said

"The presents will still be there in an hour, just let Lucas sleep in" I said softly my eyes still adjusting to the light

I lifted up the covers next to me and Hope crawled in, Lucas still had his arm around me and I was still lying next to him which was so amazing I wish I could always wake up next to him

"Mommy? What's Lucas doing here?" She asked once she was lying down comfortably

"Well Hope..." I wasn't sure if now was the right time to tell her or not maybe we should tell her together

She gasped and raised her eyebrows "Did my wish work! Is Lucas my daddy?" She had a wide grin on her face

"Hope, that's not how Father Christmas works he brings presents not parents" I tried to explain in a way that she would understand and when Lucas was awake we could tell her the truth

"But he's called Father Christmas" she said putting emphasis on the word father which made me laugh a little

"Just go back to sleep and we can talk about it more in the morning" she frowned but did as I said and stayed quiet, I waited until she fell asleep before I did

She didn't sleep for that long and I was woke up again at half six but at least it was a little later

I don't know how she was always a little ball of energy and excitement she definitely didn't get that from me I hated mornings

"Now mommy?" She asked sitting up

"Okay I'll just wake up Lucas and we can open presents" I smiled at her and gently moved Lucas's arms from around me

"LUCASSSSS" Hope shouted making me jump I wasn't expecting that

I placed my hand over her mouth and she stopped shouting his name, I moved my hand "Now presents!" She said jumping up and down

I wrapped my arms around her making her sit back down "How are you so awake" I was mainly asking myself because I was exhausted

Lucas yawned next to me and I turned around to face him "Morning sleepyhead" I joked a smile coming onto my face

"Morning beautiful" he smiled back and leaned in for a kiss, "Hope's here" I whispered and he leaned back

Hope jumped up from next to me and crawled in between us "Can we open presents now!" She said getting more impatient

I looked at Lucas and we both laughed "Okay okay let's go" she squealed excitably and climbed off the bed running out of the room

"Hi" He said smiling widely "Hey" I said back

"I could get used to this" he said placing his hand on my cheek and gently moving his thumb side to side

"I was just thinking the same thing" I said and leaned closer to kiss him but Hope shouted for us "Mommy! Lucas!"

I quickly kissed him and sat up to go and open presents with Hope but Lucas wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back down next to him "We have a daughter who wants to open her presents"

"One more minute" he said and looked down at my lips "You have a kid now you don't get a minute" I joked and moved his arms from around myself

He groaned and let me get up, I threw his jeans at him giggling slightly and then I walked out to Hope sitting on the couch watching her rip open all her presents

Lucas soon came out and sat next to me, I took a deep breath knowing what I had to do "Hope come here for a minute we need to speak to you" I said and Lucas looked at me clearly confused

"We do?" He questioned

"We do" I repeated, Hope came over to the couch and sat down in the middle of me and Lucas

"You know how Lucas loves mommy" I started explaining I was still trying to find a way to simplify it

"And Auntie Riley loves Lucas" Hope said remembering what I told her when I was sitting outside with her and Josh

"Well before you were born, mommy and Lucas were together" Hope scrunched up her face in confusion, I was trying to drag this out and I'm not sure how to explain this

"And Lucas is-" I was cut off when my phone started ringing

I sighed and answered my phone not looking who it was  "Hello?" I said in a questioning tone

"Maya?" To my surprise it was Riley

"Riley, hi" I stood up from the couch, so many thoughts ran through my head about why she would be calling me

"I didn't know who to call" she sounded like she had been crying and I immediately got worried

"Riles what's wrong?" I turned around and Lucas just looked confused

I heard her crying on the phone to me "Riles? Are you okay?"

She steadied her breath and calmed down a little more "It's my dad" and with that she started crying again

What was wrong I started to get panicked Cory was like a dad to me he was always there for me and I hoped he was okay

"What happened?" I asked filled with worry

"He was hit by a car" she said trying to hold back her tears

"Oh Riles" I said sympathetically "I'll be right over" I spoke quickly it was my first instinct but I couldn't leave Hope

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