Chapter 4

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Maya PoV

"Where have you been all night!" My mom said standing up and rushing over to me

"Your mom and me have been worried sick!" Shawn said coming up next to her

"Can you all stop shouting you're being so loud" I said walking more into our house

I was squinting my eyes and I still had a huge headache "Maya Penelope Hart are you hungover?!" My mom asked using my full name oh god was I in shit

"Do we really have to go through this, you ask me if I've been drinking I say no and we both know that isn't true, aren't we past this point in our relationship?" I asked folding my arms

"No young lady we are not" she said back angrily

Jeez she called me young lady that's not good.

"Then no I wasn't drinking" I lied

"Where were you all night?" Shawn asked

"Riley's" I lied hoping they would believe me they would freak out if I told them I was at Lucas's and I know everyone would get the wrong idea ... well technically it would be the right idea but we were pretending like nothing happened

"We know you weren't at Riley's because Cory called us once Riley came home and you weren't with her and after a few hours and you still weren't home and you weren't at the Matthews house" My Mom explained to me, this wasn't good I didn't know what to say to them

"Mom I feel sick and I really need a shower so can we talk about this later" I said impatiently

"Tell us where you were and we will talk about the rest later" Shawn said making a deal with me

"I stayed at Smackle's house" I lied again and turned around to walk to the bathroom

"Really that's weird since Smackle, Zay and Farkle all stayed at Riley's house after Riley took everyone home and she said Lucas would be taking you home" My mom pointed out, damnit Riley she just had to be honest I can't really blame her I told Lucas I didn't want to come home

"Yeah that is weird" I turned back around to face them

"Can I get in the shower now okay great thanks" I said quickly and walked away from them

I went into my bathroom and shut the door, I finally had a moment to think about everything that just happened

I had sex with Lucas, Riley's boyfriend, he cheated on her with me and it's my own fault for drinking so much because I was jealous of them together

I kept reminding myself I had to forget about it, nobody can know what happened between us

After I was finished with the shower a wave of sickness just blew over me and next thing I know I was throwing up in the toilet

My mom rushed into the bathroom holding back my hair and rubbing my back "It's okay" she said calmly I did not feel good

A few days later ...

I had been home from school for the past few days since I was constantly being sick but I didn't have a fever so we weren't sure what was wrong with me

I was sitting on my bed a bowl next to me when my mom walked in with a glass of water "Your friends are here" She said passing me the glass

I took the glass from her and took a sip "Can you just ask them to leave" I wasn't in the mood to see anyone right now

"They're insisting they see you" she softly smiled and I sighed "Okay" My mom stood up and Riley, Farkle and Lucas all walked in great just who I wanted to see Lucas I thought sarcastically

"Hey guys" I said faking a smile

Riley sat on the end of my bed and the boys stayed stood up "Lucas said we shouldn't come and just let you rest but I insisted, how are you feeling?" Riley asked

I don't think that's the only reason Lucas didn't want to come and see me it was extremely awkward between me and him but we had to pretend like it wasn't

"I've been better" I joked

"We have brought you some soup and some movies" Farkle said placing a bag down on my bed

"Thanks you guys" I then felt really sick again and I didn't want to be sick in front of them so I quickly stood up and pushed past them running into my bathroom

Riley rushed after me and held back my hair "God Maya what did you drink" Farkle joked from outside the bathroom

I wiped my mouth on some toilet paper and flushed the toilet, I then turned around and glared at Farkle "ha ha so funny" I said sarcastically

I sat back down on the cold bathroom floor "What did you drink though Maya none of us are as sick as you maybe it was something you had" Riley asked sitting next to me

"I-I'm not sure I drank a lot .... but you'll know all about that won't you Huckleberry" I said looking up at him I just felt angry looking at him, probably because I was mad at myself that night happened

"I-umm" he nervously rubbed the back of his neck

"And I don't think it's something I drank Ranger Rick had about the same as me and he's fine" I said looking back at Riley

"I think I'm just ill" I said forcing a smile "Thank you guys for coming but I'm just going to be here all day so you can go home"

"Okay but call if you need us" Riley said standing up

"Feel better soon" Farkle said as he was leaving

"Yeah um feel better" Lucas said before he left

"Wait Ranger Rick!" I said quickly and he came back into the room "I need to speak to you for a minute"

He turned to Riley and Farkle "Hey guys you can wait in the car I'm just going to help Maya back in bed" he lied to them and they agreed

I heard the front door shut and he helped me up onto my feet we went into my room "So what did you want to talk about" he said as we sat on my bed

"This is so awkward with us and I hate that and I can't even mention that night without us both getting awkward and nervous" I started by just pointing out the facts

"I think we need to tell Riley" He interrupted

"No we can't she'll hate us both and I can't loose her over a stupid mistake" It shouldn't of happened ever I seriously regret it

"So what do you want to do" he asked

"We have to forget that night we both know this but I think we shouldn't see each other for a little at least until it's less awkward" I carried on and I hoped he would agree it would just be so much easier

"Yeah that's probably the best idea" he slightly smiled

"Now go, don't keep them waiting" I smiled back at him

He stood up "I hope you feel better" and then he left

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