Chapter 19

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Maya PoV

It was getting towards the end of the night we had all been talking for hours just catching up and we talked about Florida as well I was just filling everyone in on what it was like there

I brought out another bottle of wine from the kitchen and placed it down on the coffee table for everyone if they needed to top up their drink but I wasn't drinking I still felt ill from last night

"Can we open presents now!" Hope said grabbing one of the presents under the tree

"Okay but only one the others are for tomorrow" I said making a little deal with her

"Deal!" She said grabbing the biggest one from under the tree

Everyone else grabbed a present and we all started to open them everyone except for Zay

"Smackle, Iz, Izzy, Isadora, " Zay said nervously his hands shaking

I shushed everyone and we all sat watching them, Smackle placed down the present she had in her hands

"Zay what's going on?" She said getting nervous herself

Zay got up from the couch and got down on one knee "Isadora I have known you for years and we have been dating for three years now... I have known for those years that I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else so.."

He took out a box from his back pocket "Isadora Smackle will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

"Yes yes 100 percent yes" she laughed with happy tears coming down her cheeks

He put the ring on her finger and they kissed we all cheered and clapped "Congratulations guys" I stood up hugging them

"What just happened" I heard Hope whisper to Josh

"They're getting married so that means they love each other very much and are going to spend their whole lives together" He explained quietly to her

"Well I don't think anyone else's present will top that but lets carry on opening presents" I joked

"I'll get you guys a celebratory drink, something a little stronger" I said standing up from the couch, Lucas stood up with me

Just as I stood up and walked behind the couches Lucas grabbed my hand softly "What are you doing Lucas?" I questioned looking at him

"Look up" I did as he said and saw mistletoe hanging in a different place to before "Seriously again" I slightly laughed

"I don't make up the Christmas rules and this time it's definitely mistletoe" he smiled widely

I turned to the side and everyone was staring at us "Everyone is watching us" I said quieter

"Good" he smirked and placed his hand on my waist

I looked to the side and Josh had put his hand over Hopes eyes but everyone else was still staring at us

I looked back at Lucas, I didn't know what to do if it was just us maybe I would kiss him, but it's already caused so many problems, us being together and now our friends and family were watching us just standing underneath the mistletoe waiting for one of us to do something

I smirked at Lucas knowing exactly what to do leaned in closer making him think I was going to kiss him and "ha-hurrrrrrrrrr!" I said right in his face

I leaned back and we both laughed "It's been a while since I've done that"

"Come on guys we were waiting for a kiss" Smackle said in a serious tone

"Smackle!" Zay said

"Well we were" She said honestly

"Well there isn't going to be a kiss because I hate to .. wait no I love to break it to you all"

I turned to Lucas smirking "especially you" I looked back at the others "We're just friends"

"I actually have something for you Maya" Lucas said when we sat back down and he took out a little black box

"Um- Lucas" I said just looking down at the box

"Does this mean Mommy and Lucas are getting married too" Hope said smiling brightly

"No-no it's not that we aren't even dating" Lucas quickly said making the situation less awkward thankfully

"If everyone could stop staring that would be great it's just a present" I said to everyone in the room and they all went back to talking or more specifically fake talking and still listening in to our conversation

"Merry Christmas" Lucas said passing me the box

I anxiously took it from him and opened it "Oh my... is that" I looked up at Lucas not sure what to say

"What is it Maya?" Farkle asked

"It's this necklace we saw when we were out with Hope I told Lucas how it reminded me of one my grandma used to have but obviously this is much newer and more detailed" I showed everyone the necklace it was beautiful it had a dazzling light blue and white gemstone connected to the gold chain

"It's this necklace we saw when we were out with Hope I told Lucas how it reminded me of one my grandma used to have but obviously this is much newer and more detailed" I showed everyone the necklace it was beautiful it had a dazzling light blue a...

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"I can't believe you remembered" I said taking it out of the box

Lucas took it from me and helped me put it on "Thank you but I can't accept this, it's crazy that you spent this much money on me" I said admiring it

"It's not that crazy whenever Lucas is in love with a girl he always buys ridiculously expensive things" Zay pointed out

"I-in love?" I said turning to face Zay

"I um" he looked around the room "Yeah there's no getting out of that"

"Thanks for that Zay" Lucas threw the empty necklace box at him and it hit him on his head, if I wasn't so stressed right now I would of laughed

"Y- you- you love me?" I didn't know how to react everyone was just sitting watching us

"Well-I-um- well you see- t-that- that's a hard question to answer" He stuttered nervously

"I need some air" I rushed up from the couch and went outside the house, once I was outside I sat on the steps my head in my hands, why did everything have to become a mess

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